SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 22. prosinca 1997.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 2 cts under "C" 155.05 N
Colombian MAMs 16 cts over "C" 173.05 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 164.05 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 155.05 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 164.05 N
Peru 4 cts over "C" 161.05 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 84.75 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts over London 76.75 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 139.05 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 23. prosinca 1997.
MAR8 161.50 158.00 163.00 158.00 161.50 162.40 1
MAY8 157.75 154.50 158.00 154.00 157.75 157.75 1
JUL8 152.50 148.50 152.50 148.50 152.50 152.50 1
SEP8 142.25 142.75 142.75 142.25 145.90 146.00 1
DEC8 140.50 137.00 140.50 140.00 141.90 142.00 1
MAR9 135.00 138.90 139.00 1
MAY9 130.00 136.90 137.00 1
CSCE coffee ends higher, but turnover light
NEW YORK, Dec 23 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures ended
higher in light pre-holiday dealings on Tuesday, bolstered by a
mixture of speculative short-covering and trade buying, market
sources said.
"It was basically last minute position squaring ahead of the
holidays and a lack of origin selling," said one trader.
Benchmark March arabicas rose 5.35 cents per lb on the day,
to 162.40 cents, after ranging between 163.00 and 158.00 cents.
Second-month May closed 4.50 cents higher at 157.75 cents, while
the rest of the board finished up 3.50 to 5.00 cents.
The March/May switch widened to 4.65 cents from 3.80 cents
at the close on Monday.
Arabica prices rose from the opening on the heels of gains
overnight in London and New York's finish off lows on Monday.
Upward momentum accelerated after the March contract filled
in a chart gap formed Monday between 157.60 and 157.75 cents and
uncovered light commission house buy-stops near 160 cents,
traders said.
With little in the way of fundamental input, traders said
today's activity was mainly chart driven.
"Fundamentally, there's nothing new," said Smith Barney
analyst Walter Spilka. "Chart-wise, it did bounce off lows
yesterday and it looked like a classic shortcovering rally
"But with stocks up now in the part of the season when more
coffee is coming in, I'd be surprised if we generated much more
to the upside than this," he added.
After Tuesday's close, CSCE reported certified coffee stocks
rose by 500 60-kg bags as of December 22, to 99,740 bags. No
coffee was pending grading, the exchange said.
CSCE also reported 1,250 bags of coffee were graded and 500
bags passed exchange approval.
Technically, some traders the March contract's close near
session highs could lead to a test of March resistance near
163-165 cents on Wednesday.
On the downside, they pegged March support at 160 cents.
Turnover on the day reached an estimated 5,160 lots.
241106 MET dec 97
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