SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 21. studenoga 1997.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 5 cts under "C" 156.15 N
Colombian MAMs 16 cts over "C" 177.15 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 168.15 N
Mexican 5 cts under "C" 156.15 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 168.15 N
Peru 5 cts over "C" 166.15 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 7 cts over London 79.12 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts under London 70.12 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 143.15 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 21. studenoga 1997.
DEC7 160.75 160.25 163.00 160.00 160.75 161.15 1
MAR8 152.25 152.80 154.00 151.25 151.75 152.45 1
MAY8 146.75 147.50 148.30 146.25 146.75 147.25 1
JUL8 142.50 142.75 143.25 141.50 142.50 142.25 1
SEP8 137.75 138.00 137.75 137.75 138.00 138.25 1
DEC8 134.00 134.00 134.75 134.00 134.00 134.00 1
MAR9 130.00 132.00 132.25 1
CSCE coffee ends thinly traded session mostly down
NEW YORK, Nov 21 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures settled
mainly weaker Friday in thin, pre-weekend trading.
"It was a listless market," said one trader. "I think it was
mostly book-squaring ahead of the weekend."
Dealers said a combination of commission house and trade
selling weighed on prices, but light local and European roaster
buying offset losses and prevented the active March contract
from testing chart support at 150 cents per lb.
March eased 0.35 cent to finish at 152.45 cents after
ranging between 154.00 and 151.00 cents. Spot December fell 1.05
cents to 161.15 cents after trading from 163.00 to 160.00 cents,
and the back months closed down 0.50 cent to up 0.50 cent.
The December/March switch narrowed to 8.70 cents from 9.40
cents at the close Thursday.
After a mixed opening, arabica prices spent the majority of
the session in negative territory as bearish sentiment spilled
over from Thursday, traders said.
Some traders viewed today's activity as a continued
consolidation following a 15 percent rally since the beginning
of the month.
Low stock levels of coffee certified for delivery against
the exchange and a positive technical picture have fueled the
recent upswing, but speculation that more coffee would soon be
coming up for grading tempered supply concerns.
After Friday's close, CSCE reported certified coffee stocks
fell 291 60-kg bags as of Nov 20 to 12,833 bags. There were an
additional 6,750 bags of coffee was pending grading.
CSCE also reported that 800 bags of coffee were graded and
250 bags passed exchange approval.
Technically, traders said March would continue to find
support at 150 cents, with a major downside hurdle seen at
Tuesday's low of 147.25 cents. On the upside, resistance was
seen near 155 cents, followed by 159 to 160 cents.
Traders await the latest CFTC Commitments of Traders report
due late Friday. They expect the bi-weekly data to show a shift
in the commerical - or large speculative -- position from net
short to neutral or slightly net long.
Turnover was extremely light at an estimated 3,429 lots.
241045 MET nov 97
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