01. listopada 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 1090 Med merino 21m 813
Fine merino 20m 914 Med merino 22m 716
Broad merino 23m 609 Comeback 25m 565n
Broad merino 24m 580 Comeback 26m 556n
Fine Xbred 27m 545n Med Xbred 29m 534n
Fine Xbred 28m 537 Med Xbred 30m 497
Med Xbred 31m 488n Merino cardings 468
Xbred cardings 410n Eastern mkt ind 705
Australian wool indicator falls 11 cts to 705c/kg
MELBOURNE, Oct 1 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell 11 cents to 705 cents a kg clean on
Wednesday at sales in Sydney and Melbourne, Wool International
Merino fleece was cheaper, with 19/20/21 microns 1.5 percent
cheaper, 22m two percent cheaper, 23m up to 1.5 percent cheaper,
24/25m one percent cheaper and 26m 0.5 percent cheaper.
Merino skirtings of 19/20m were one percent cheaper and
21/22m generally unchanged.
In crossbreds, 27/28/30m were one percent cheaper, 29m 0.5
percent cheaper and 31m 1.5 percent cheaper.
In cardings, locks were one percent cheaper with cardings
generally unchanged.
WI said Western Europe and Japanese interests were principal
buyers, with support from most sectors of the trade.
Of the 27,205 bales offered, 15.1 percent were passed in.
Sales continue on Thursday in Sydney and Melbourne with
about 30,890 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 29. rujna 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 553 58s SUPER 384
66s SUPER 505 58s BLENDED 361
64s SUPER 437 56s SUPER 357
64s BLENDED 433 54s CARDED 334
60s SUPER 405 50s CARDED 314
60s BLENDED 387 58s ENGLISH 271
56s ENGLISH 262
50s ENGLISH 256
Bradford wool market report
LONDON, Sept 29 (Reuter) - Chinese interest, important in
medium and broader categories, remains relatively quiet.
Machinery activity in Europe, meanwhile, is good with combing
booked well ahead and quite often into the New Year.
Deliveries are also going out well, but the trade would be a
lot happier if new orders were coming through and there will be
more interest than usual in how things go at the main fairs in
the next few weeks, particularly in how well wool does, with
firmer prices, relative to other fibres.
Friday's sharp currency and stock market movements in the UK
confused cost calculations, but not enough to cause adjustments
until wool values are tested again this week.
Last week's surge in the main Australian market indicator
was mainly due to superfine merinos with Italy the main buyer.
The subsequent softening in Sydney futures prices after the
first superfine-led surge pushed them up is now seen as more
representative of the wool market trend.
021106 MET oct 97
Krnje "Stana Kvadratić" spaljen na splitskom Gatu sv. Nikole
LP - Realu madridski derbi, "sedmica" Arsenala, remi u Dortmundu
Liga prvaka: rezultati i parovi osmine finala (2)
SAD najavio moguću prodaju zgrada ministarstva pravosuđa, FBI-a i drugih
SP juniora, šah: Četvrta pobjeda Lovre Novosela, poraz Sare Balent
Arapske zemlje prihvatile egipatsku alternativu Trumpovoj "Gaza rivijeri"
Lik Elona Muska spaljen na karnevalu u Mostaru
Srbija: Vučić traži kaznenu odgovornost za vinovnike današnjih nereda u parlamentu
Vaterpolo: Pobjeda splitskog Jadrana na Kantridi
Njemačka: Unija i SPD i prije formiranja vlade dogovorili pojačana ulaganja u obranu