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LONDONSKA BURZA KOVINA: SLUŽBENE CIJENE 13.08.1997. LME OFFICIAL PRICES - AUG 13 CASH 3 MTHS 15 MTHS 27 MTHS SETT COPPER 2290.0/91.0 2275.0/75.5 2120.0/30.0 2010.0/20.0 2291 (STG EQV) 1455.07 1450.38 TIN 5370/5371 5420/5430 5580/5590 5371 LEAD 584.00/5.00 601.00/1.50 632.00/7.00 585 (STG EQV) 371.55 383.39 ZINC 1602.0/05.0 1478.0/79.0 1340.0/50.0 1295.0/05.0 1605 ALU.HG 1694.0/95.0 1693.0/93.5 1635.0/40.0 1623.0/28.0 1695 NICKEL 6545/6548 6658/6660 6855/6875 6735/6755 6548 ALALLOY 1475.0/80.0 1500.0/05.0 1555.0/75.0 1480 SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.5745 DEM 1.8444 JPY 115.98 Zinc bears lower on LME, market otherwise slow LONDON, Aug 13 (Reuter) - Zinc prices tailed lower during Tuesday LME ring and kerb trading, with the market unable to sustain an early rally towards $1,500. Most other metals were also lower at the recess, although the general level of business was low-key. However, downside support levels were likely to come under threat once more, traders said. Latest warehouse stock data had a brief impact on markets before the absence of trade interest left prices vulnerable to technical-based movements, they added. Zinc's early stability reflected a 4,475-tonne stock fall. But the bulk of the decline was due to a near 5,000-tonne shipment out of Rotterdam. The net rise in Singapore was 575 tonnes, and traders expect further sizeable tonnages to be delivered there. Once the initial foray up to $1,495 petered out the market went into reverse, with liquidation hitting values on the kerb. There was also an undercurrent of lending against the spreads, which tended to depress the backwardation slightly. Last three months business was at $1,461, down $19 a tonne from Tuesday's kerb close. Aluminium came under pressure from a 4,100-tonne stock increase - the second successive daily rise - which suggested to some that the trend in inventories may now be upwards. The market fell through $1,700 to close the kerb at $1,692, down $27. Copper was lower for most of the session, but losses were fairly small as the market is still restricted to a broad $2,260/70 to $2,320/30 technical range. The decline was also cushioned by a constructive interpretation of the stock report - a 50-tonne increase was seen as modest in the summer. Final trade was at $2,273, down $5 a tonne from the Tuesday close, but above a $2,267 low. Tin and nickel moved lower in tandem with the general trend, ending the kerb at $5,360 and $6,650, respective losses of $65 and $50. However, lead was supported above $600 and recent 22-month lows. Prices were $7 higher at $604. The alloy market was quoted at a stable $1,510/20. _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN - 13.08.1997. - po pojedinim skladištima _________________________________________________________________ ++ COPPER WIRE BARS + ANTWERP 50 HAMBURG 25 ++ COPPER CATHODES + ANTWERP 2650 DUNKIRK 1400 BREMEN 1325 HAMBURG 9300 ROTTERDAM 15025 LEGHORN 175 TRIESTE 12150 BARCELONA 1075 BILBAO 19625 GOTHENBURG 17675 HELSINBORG 11150 LIVERPOOL 10775 CHICAGO 125 LONG BEACH 67825 LOS ANGELE 16975 ST LOUIS 5700 SINGAPORE 61325 ++ TIN ++ ANTWERP 10 HAMBURG 115 ROTTERDAM 5930 GENOA 235 BILBAO 40 HULL 265 LIVERPOOL 4395 BALTIMORE 150 LOS ANGELE 95 ++ LEAD ++ HAMBURG 175 ROTTERDAM 1975 GENOA 6975 BARCELONA 100 GOTHENBURG 14025 HELSINBORG 80550 GOOLE 2000 HULL 625 LIVERPOOL 2850 NEWCASTLE 1025 SUNDERLAND 50 DETROIT 700 ++ ZINC + ANTWERP 9100 DUNKIRK 100 BREMEN 250 HAMBURG 200 ROTTERDAM 74025 PIRAEUS 275 GENOA 19925 TRIESTE 118050 BARCELONA 13000 BILBAO 10200 GOTHENBURG 10375 HELSINBORG 62725 LIVERPOOL 12025 CHICAGO 200 ST LOUIS 9925 SINGAPORE 53650 ++ NICKEL ++ ANTWERP 1008 ROTTERDAM 40044 GENOA 288 TRIESTE 42 GOTHENBURG 13422 LIVERPOOL 72 NEW HAVEN 120 SINGAPORE 1386 ++ ALUMINI M ++ ANTWERP 425 ROTTERDAM 25075 TRIESTE 175 GOTHENBURG 26150 HELSINBORG 118375 AVONMOUTH 26950 HULL 120400 LIVERPOOL 159425 NEWCASTLE 97450 SUNDERLAND 45300 DETROIT 50 HAKATA 50 MOJI 50 SINGAPORE 5425 ++ ALUMINIUM ALLOY ++ ANTWERP 3760 DUNKIRK 240 DUISBERG 500 HAMBURG 440 ROTTERDAM 1380 BRESCIA 1080 GENOA 7400 TRIESTE 2880 BARCELONA 60 BILBAO 1480 GOTHENBURG 220 HULL 500 LIVERPOOL 21980 CHICAGO 2360 DETROIT 700 LONG BEACH 8860 ST LOUIS 1160 SINGAPORE 60 _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN 13. kolovoza 1997. količine su u tonama _________________________________________________________________ COPPER 254350 UP 50 TIN 11235 DOWN 95 LEAD 118950 DOWN 125 ZINC 394025 DOWN 4475 ALUMINIUM 625300 UP 4100 NICKEL 56382 UP 690 AL.ALLOY 55060 DOWN 40 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 75 0 0 COPPER cathodes 254275 1550 1500 TIN 11235 0 95 LEAD 118950 0 125 ZINC 394025 600 5075 NICKEL briquettes 4254 0 0 NICKEL cathodes 52092 882 192 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT ALUMINIUM ingots 275475 800 600 ALUMINIUM T-bars 202825 5500 450 ALUMINIUM sows 147000 0 1150 AL.ALLOY D12S/JIS 400 0 0 AL.ALLOY 226/DIN 30760 0 20 AL.ALLOY A380.1 23900 0 20 LME - warehouse stock movements LONDON, Aug 13 - Latest LME warehouse stock changes are: copper up 50, tin down 95, lead down 125, zinc down 4475, aluminium up 4100, nickel up 690, aluminium alloy down 40 131552 MET aug 97

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