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LONDONSKA BURZA KOVINA: SLUŽBENE CIJENE 12.08.1997. LME OFFICIAL PRICES - AUG 12 CASH 3 MTHS 15 MTHS 27 MTHS SETT COPPER 2276.0/77.0 2256.0/57.0 2095.0/05.0 1990.0/00.0 2277 (STG EQV) 1435.6 1428.02 TIN 5385/5390 5420/5430 5580/5590 5390 LEAD 580.50/1.00 596.50/7.00 627.00/2.00 581 (STG EQV) 366.31 377.73 ZINC 1643.0/45.0 1511.0/13.0 1360.0/70.0 1320.0/30.0 1645 ALU.HG 1720.0/21.0 1720.0/21.0 1645.0/50.0 1623.0/28.0 1721 NICKEL 6680/6685 6785/6790 6985/7005 6865/6885 6685 ALALLOY 1495.0/00.0 1520.0/25.0 1565.0/85.0 1500 SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.5861 DEM 1.8629 JPY 116.03 LME zinc slips by midday, others undermined LONDON, Aug 12 (Reuter) - LME zinc prices slipped on Tuesday morning and more weakness was expected after a rise in stocks and talk of more Chinese metal going into inventories, traders said. The wobbly zinc market undermined the rest of the metals complex in thin activity, they added. Three months zinc eased to a low of $1,511, where the market found light support, ending the morning kerb at $1,518, off $27 from Monday's close. Prices were hit by a net rise of 1,400 tonnes in LME stocks on Tuesday and talk that 20,000 tonnes of Chinese were due to arrive in Singapore warehouses shortly. According to the latest LME stocks report, some 3,275 tonnes were delivered into the Singapore LME warehouse and 525 tonnes moved out. The spreads narrowed slightly as the market saw some light lending. The cash/threes backwardation came in to $140 from as much as $175 on Monday. Sept/week, however, only narrowed by $5 to a $50 backwardation. Copper fell in sympathy and light sell stops below $2,260 pushed prices to a brief low of $2,256. When follow-through selling failed to materialise at the Comex opening, prices stabilised on the kerb, where it ended at $2,263, a loss on the day of $11. If the market saw a conclusive break below $2,260, prices would spiral down towards $2,220 support, floor traders said. More tests of the downside were likely since sizeable tonnages of metal should be moving into warehouses in coming weeks, one said. The 3,900-tonne rise on Tuesday was mainly in Europe, with rises seen in Italy, the Netherlands, Spain and Britain. The cash/threes spread narrowed by about $3 to a $17 backwardation during the rings, but came out again to be indicated at $19/$21 at the midday break. Aluminium joined the downward drift after stocks rose by 725 tonnes due to metal being delivered into Rotterdam. The market found light support at a low of $1,714, but if copper crumbles further, aluminium could go along for the ride, traders said. Prices ended the morning kerb at $1,725, down $25 from Monday, and the cash/threes spread lost some steam, pulling in to a $1/$4 backwardation. Tin was knocked lower by trade selling after the $5,500 barrier was broken. Prices ended the morning $85 lower at $5,435. Lead was marked down to a fresh 22-month low of $596, ending at $600, down $5. Nickel declined towards $6,700 and found short-covering in a slightly oversold market, shedding $80 to $6,780. Alloy ended at $1,520/30, down about $20. _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN - 12.08.1997. - po pojedinim skladištima _________________________________________________________________ ++ COPPER WIRE BARS + ANTWERP 50 HAMBURG 25 ++ COPPER CATHODES + ANTWERP 2650 DUNKIRK 1400 BREMEN 1250 HAMBURG 9300 ROTTERDAM 15025 LEGHORN 175 TRIESTE 11900 BARCELONA 1075 BILBAO 19000 GOTHENBURG 17675 HELSINBORG 11150 LIVERPOOL 10775 CHICAGO 125 LONG BEACH 67825 LOS ANGELE 16975 ST LOUIS 5700 SINGAPORE 62225 ++ TIN ++ ANTWERP 10 HAMBURG 115 ROTTERDAM 6005 GENOA 235 BILBAO 40 HULL 265 LIVERPOOL 4395 BALTIMORE 170 LOS ANGELE 95 ++ LEAD ++ HAMBURG 175 ROTTERDAM 2025 GENOA 6975 BARCELONA 100 GOTHENBURG 14025 HELSINBORG 80550 GOOLE 2000 HULL 650 LIVERPOOL 2850 NEWCASTLE 1025 SUNDERLAND 50 DETROIT 750 ++ ZINC + ANTWERP 9150 DUNKIRK 100 BREMEN 250 HAMBURG 200 ROTTERDAM 78950 PIRAEUS 275 GENOA 19925 TRIESTE 118050 BARCELONA 13000 BILBAO 10250 GOTHENBURG 10375 HELSINBORG 62750 LIVERPOOL 12025 CHICAGO 200 ST LOUIS 9925 SINGAPORE 53075 ++ NICKEL ++ ANTWERP 1008 ROTTERDAM 39804 GENOA 288 TRIESTE 42 GOTHENBURG 12972 LIVERPOOL 72 NEW HAVEN 120 SINGAPORE 1386 ++ ALUMINI M ++ ANTWERP 425 ROTTERDAM 25225 TRIESTE 175 GOTHENBURG 26150 HELSINBORG 118375 AVONMOUTH 26950 HULL 120400 LIVERPOOL 160325 NEWCASTLE 92275 SUNDERLAND 45300 DETROIT 50 HAKATA 50 MOJI 50 SINGAPORE 5450 ++ ALUMINIUM ALLOY ++ ANTWERP 3780 DUNKIRK 240 DUISBERG 500 HAMBURG 440 ROTTERDAM 1380 BRESCIA 1080 GENOA 7400 TRIESTE 2880 BARCELONA 60 BILBAO 1480 GOTHENBURG 220 HULL 500 LIVERPOOL 21980 CHICAGO 2380 DETROIT 700 LONG BEACH 8860 ST LOUIS 1160 SINGAPORE 60 _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN 12. kolovoza 1997. količine su u tonama _________________________________________________________________ COPPER 254300 UP 3900 TIN 11330 DOWN 100 LEAD 119075 DOWN 100 ZINC 398500 UP 1400 ALUMINIUM 621200 UP 725 NICKEL 55692 UP 336 AL.ALLOY 55100 DOWN 100 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 75 0 0 COPPER cathodes 254225 4275 375 TIN 11330 0 100 LEAD 119075 0 100 ZINC 398500 3275 1875 NICKEL briquettes 4254 0 0 NICKEL cathodes 51402 408 72 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 75 0 0 COPPER cathodes 254225 4275 375 TIN 11330 0 100 LEAD 119075 0 100 ZINC 398500 3275 1875 NICKEL briquettes 4254 0 0 NICKEL cathodes 51402 408 72 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT ALUMINIUM ingots 275275 1175 275 ALUMINIUM T-bars 197775 0 750 ALUMINIUM sows 148150 825 250 AL.ALLOY D12S/JIS 400 0 0 AL.ALLOY 226/DIN 30780 0 80 AL.ALLOY A380.1 23920 0 20 LME - warehouse stock movements LONDON, Aug 12 - Latest LME warehouse stock changes are: copper up 3900, tin down 100, lead down 100, zinc up 1400, aluminium up 725, nickel up 336, aluminium alloy down 100 121548 MET aug 97

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