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LONDONSKA BURZA KOVINA: SLUŽBENE CIJENE 31.07.1997. LME OFFICIAL PRICES - JUL 31 CASH 3 MTHS 15 MTHS 27 MTHS SETT COPPER 2329.0/30.0 2301.0/02.0 2135.0/45.0 2035.0/45.0 2330 (STG EQV) 1424.12 1411.85 TIN 5485/5490 5525/5528 5680/5690 5490 LEAD 619.00/0.00 632.00/3.00 638.00/3.00 620 (STG EQV) 378.95 388.23 ZINC 1513.0/17.0 1430.0/35.0 1275.0/85.0 1220.0/30.0 1517 ALU.HG 1679.5/80.5 1679.0/80.0 1643.0/48.0 1623.0/28.0 1680.5 NICKEL 7275/7280 7370/7375 7555/7575 7435/7455 7280 ALALLOY 1480.0/85.0 1508.0/09.0 1545.0/65.0 1485 SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.6361 DEM 1.8313 JPY 118.2 LME metals fluctuate narrowly in nervous trade LONDON, July 31 (Reuter) - LME metals hovered nervously near previous closing levels on Thursday morning with traders wary of taking positions after several days of volatile activity. "The market is very jumpy. We're completely in the dark about where zinc is going and we're not the only ones," said one trader. LME chief executive David King observed trading for the second successive day and a senior dealer said it appeared he was trying give the market a signal. "I just thought I'd have a look at trading and what the market structures are like," King told Reuters. Asked if he was concerned about tightness hitting several metals, he replied: "Any time the nearby dates are in backwardation, it attracts our attention." But he said there was nothing "sinister" in his appearance on the floor for two days in a row. On Wednesday, King declined to say if the LME was considering intervening in the market. In May 1996, the LME slapped a lid on the nearby backwardation in copper which is still in force. None of the metals are currently in backwardation for the very nearby dates such as cash/day, but backwardations appear in aluminium in August, and show up in copper and zinc from September. In zinc, the market is still divided on whether Chinese smelters have covered what are said to be huge short positions, but a cash/threes backwardation that is was still nudging $100 early Thursday morning means tightness is still in the market. The cash/threes ended the morning kerb slightly narrower at $77/81. Certain longs are said to be holding metal and squeezing the remaining shorts. The premium of September over three months was bid up from $94 to $100 in the first ring on Thursday. "I think the Chinese have done most of their covering, but consumers still have a lot to do. They've been caught out in all of this," another trader said. Three months strayed little from its starting point on Wednesday evening, ending the morning kerb $15 easier at $1,445. It has lurched several hundred dollars from a seven-year peak of $1,675 hit on Monday. Technical selling was still pressuring the three months market, which could fall to $1,350 until it found a comfortable range, one dealer said. Aluminium has also been weighed down by gloomy charts after failing to make headway above its 19-month peak of $1,717 on Wednesday, traders said. It ended the morning $9 weaker at $1,688. The spreads were steady, with August/September at a $5/$6 backwardation. Copper was finding a new range after piling up losses on Wednesday, dipping below then creeping back above the $2,300 level. Three months finished the morning $6 higher at $2,311. The cash/threes were little changed around a $30 backwardation. The other metals followed the same cautious pattern, with nickel $20 firmer at $7,380 and lead indicated at $633/34 versus $632. Tin ended barely different at $5,530/40 compared to $5,550 and alloy at $1,508/9 after $1,510/20. _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN - 31.07.1997. - po pojedinim skladištima _________________________________________________________________ ++ COPPER WIRE BARS + ANTWERP 50 HAMBURG 25 ++ COPPER CATHODES + ANTWERP 2150 DUNKIRK 1400 BREMEN 1175 HAMBURG 9300 ROTTERDAM 9500 LEGHORN 175 TRIESTE 9825 BARCELONA 175 BILBAO 13750 GOTHENBURG 16750 HELSINBORG 10425 LIVERPOOL 9175 CHICAGO 125 LONG BEACH 67800 LOS ANGELE 11425 ST LOUIS 6100 SINGAPORE 58475 ++ TIN ++ ANTWERP 10 HAMBURG 115 ROTTERDAM 5900 GENOA 260 BILBAO 40 HULL 265 LIVERPOOL 4455 BALTIMORE 170 LOS ANGELE 95 ++ LEAD ++ HAMBURG 275 ROTTERDAM 2025 GENOA 6975 BARCELONA 100 GOTHENBURG 14075 HELSINBORG 80550 GOOLE 2000 HULL 675 LIVERPOOL 3025 NEWCASTLE 500 SUNDERLAND 75 DETROIT 750 ++ ZINC + ANTWERP 9650 DUNKIRK 100 BREMEN 375 HAMBURG 275 ROTTERDAM 82100 PIRAEUS 275 GENOA 17775 TRIESTE 118175 BARCELONA 13000 BILBAO 11775 GOTHENBURG 10375 HELSINBORG 62775 LIVERPOOL 12075 CHICAGO 200 ST LOUIS 9925 SINGAPORE 41950 ++ NICKEL ++ ANTWERP 1008 ROTTERDAM 38118 GENOA 288 TRIESTE 42 GOTHENBURG 13008 LIVERPOOL 72 NEW HAVEN 120 SINGAPORE 1386 ++ ALUMINI M ++ ANTWERP 425 ROTTERDAM 24075 TRIESTE 175 GOTHENBURG 26550 HELSINBORG 119075 AVONMOUTH 27450 HULL 120400 LIVERPOOL 164750 NEWCASTLE 92800 SUNDERLAND 45350 DETROIT 50 HAKATA 50 MOJI 50 SINGAPORE 5925 ++ ALUMINIUM ALLOY ++ ANTWERP 3940 DUNKIRK 260 DUISBERG 500 HAMBURG 420 ROTTERDAM 1380 BRESCIA 1080 GENOA 6700 TRIESTE 2760 BARCELONA 60 BILBAO 1480 GOTHENBURG 220 HULL 520 LIVERPOOL 22100 CHICAGO 2640 DETROIT 780 LONG BEACH 8960 ST LOUIS 1300 SINGAPORE 60 _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN 31. srpnja 1997. količine su u tonama _________________________________________________________________ COPPER 227800 UP 850 TIN 11310 UP 30 LEAD 119725 UP 50 ZINC 390800 DOWN 575 ALUMINIUM 627125 DOWN 2950 NICKEL 54042 UP 48 AL.ALLOY 55160 DOWN 140 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 75 0 0 COPPER cathodes 227725 2175 1325 TIN 11310 100 70 LEAD 119725 75 25 ZINC 390800 250 825 NICKEL briquettes 4446 0 132 NICKEL cathodes 49560 258 78 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT ALUMINIUM ingots 276800 0 550 ALUMINIUM T-bars 201750 0 2300 ALUMINIUM sows 148575 0 100 AL.ALLOY D12S/JIS 400 0 0 AL.ALLOY 226/DIN 30260 0 120 AL.ALLOY A380.1 24500 0 20 LME - warehouse stock movements LONDON, Jul 31 - Latest LME warehouse stock changes are: copper up 850, tin up 30, lead up 50, zinc down 575, aluminium down 2950, nickel up 48, aluminium alloy down 140 311608 MET jul 97

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