29. srpnja 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Wool International eastern clean quotes - July 29
Fine merino 19m 1072n Med merino 21m 841
Fine merino 20m 921 Med merino 22m 750
Broad merino 23m 633 Comeback 25m 584n
Broad merino 24m 599n Comeback 26m 571n
Fine Xbred 27m 549n Med Xbred 29m 535n
Fine Xbred 28m 542n Med Xbred 30m 507n
Med Xbred 31m 497n Merino cardings 443
Xbred cardings 409n Eastern mkt ind 720
Australian wool indicator rises 4 cents to 720c/kg
MELBOURNE, July 29 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator rose four cents to 720 cents a kg clean on
Tuesday at the first auctions, held in Sydney, following the
three week end-season recess, Wool International said.
Merino fleece was mostly dearer, with 19/20/22/24 microns
slightly dearer, 21m one percent dearer, 23/25m 0.5 percent
dearer and 26m unchanged.
Crossbreds were mostly cheaper, with 27m slightly cheaper,
28/29m unchanged, and 30/31m one percent cheaper.
In cardings, merino cardings were slightly higher with
crossbred cardings unchanged.
Of the 12,958 bales offered, 8.4 percent were passed in.
Sales continue on Wednesday in Sydney and Fremantle with
about 35,360 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 28. srpnja 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 533 58s SUPER 378
66s SUPER 484 58s BLENDED 357
64s SUPER 423 56s SUPER 352
64s BLENDED 417 54s CARDED 331
60s SUPER 391 50s CARDED 325
60s BLENDED 379 58s ENGLISH 264
56s ENGLISH 255
50s ENGLISH 250
Bradford wool subdued ahead of Australia sales
LONDON, July 28 (Reuter) - Bradford prices were on hold
ahead of resumed Australian wool sales on Tuesday whilst
holidays will also close local mills towards the end of this
week and that also subdued activity.
Deliveries were sometimes going out better because of the
approaching shut down but anxiety prevailed about how a strong
sterling has slowed new orders to what, for exporters, is almost
a halt.
Continental firms have benefited from the UK currency
factor and Italy in particular is said to be enjoying improved
activity although holidays there are imminent too.
301051 MET jul 97
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