SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 24. srpnja 1997.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 12 cts under "C" 168.40 N
Colombian MAMs 25 cts over "C" 205.40 N
El Salvador 11 cts over "C" 191.40 N
Mexican even to "C" 180.40 N
Guatemala 13 cts over "C" 193.40 N
Peru 18 cts over "C" 198.40 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 8 cts over London 79.58 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 67.58 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 162.40 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 24. srpnja 1997.
SEP7 181.00 182.00 184.50 174.25 179.75 180.40 1
DEC7 161.00 159.50 161.00 155.50 160.00 160.30 1
MAR8 147.50 145.00 148.00 144.00 147.75 147.90 1
MAY8 142.50 141.25 143.50 141.25 143.00 143.25 1
JUL8 138.00 136.50 138.00 136.00 138.90 138.95 1
SEP8 132.00 132.00 133.00 1
DEC8 127.00 128.00 129.00 1
CSCE coffee ends mixed, September weak but off low
NEW YORK, July 24 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures finished
mixed on Thursday, with the September contract posting modest
losses but ending well off session lows.
Dealers said an offer of some 1,000 September/December and
December/March switches, at 19.00 and 11.50 cents per lb,
respectively, had weighed on sentiment.
But a late-session flurry of speculative and trade buying of
the nearby switch helped lift September from its intraday low of
174.25 cents, they said.
By the close, September stood at 180.40 cents, down 1.25
cents on the day. Second-position December rose 2.15 cents, to
160.30 cents, while the back months closed up 1.00 to 3.90.
The September/December switch, which dealers said traded
between 18.50 and 23.00 cents, ended at 20.10 cents, down from
23.50 cents at the close on Wednesday.
Coffee futures rose at the outset, defying pre-opening
expectations, as speculators followed through on the
sharp two-day run-up. But September's failure to get
through chart resistance at Wednesday's high of 184.50 cents
prompted locals to liquidate long positions.
Some traders said the sell-off in September was a technical
correction. September had rallied in the previous two sessions
22.80 cents per lb -- or more than 14 percent.
But September's finish above 180.00 cents today was seen as
constructive, with many dealers expecting the spot contract to
retest 184.50-cent resistance on Friday.
On the charts, traders said that after 184.50, September
would face resistance at 192.00-193.00 cents. Support was seen
at today's low of 174.25 cents.
After Thursday's close, the CSCE reported certified coffee
stocks dipped by 252 60-kg bags as of July 23, to 90,645 bags.
An additional 1,489 bags were pending grading, the exchange
Turnover reached an estimated 9,730 lots.
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