SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 05. lipnja 1997.
Differentials /svibanj/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 65 cts under "C" 165.50 N
Colombian MAMs 40 cts over "C" 270.50 N
El Salvador 3 cts over "C" 233.50 N
Mexican even to "C" 230.50 N
Guatemala 3 cts over "C" 233.50 N
Peru even to "C" 230.50 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 8 cts over London 94.41 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 82.41 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 25 cts under "C" 205.50 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 05. lipnja 1997.
JUL7 230.00 250.00 252.00 228.00 228.00 230.50 2
SEP7 209.00 224.00 224.50 208.75 208.75 209.40 2
DEC7 181.90 189.50 190.50 181.90 181.90 181.00 1
MAR8 167.00 172.50 173.50 167.00 167.00 167.50 1
MAY8 165.50 167.00 165.50 164.50 164.00 162.00 1
JUL8 160.00 161.50 157.50 1
SEP8 150.00 150.00 149.50 1
CSCE coffee ends sharply lower, July drops 8 pct
NEW YORK, June 5 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures tumbled
for the second straight session Thursday, pressured by
speculative and trade selling amid an easing of nearby supply
concerns, dealers said.
July arabicas slid 21.05 cents -- or more than eight
percent -- on the day, to 230.50 cents a lb after ranging
between 252.00 and 228.00 cents. Second-month September shed
15.70 cents to 209.40 cents, while the back months closed 6.25
to 9.90 lower.
The July/September spread continued to shrink from more
than 40 cents seen last week, closing at 21.10 cents today
from 26.45 cents Wednesday.
"The near-term psychology has changed," said Smith Barney
analyst Walt Spilka. "The front month was at such a premium to
the second month, it was a signal to anyone who had coffee to
sell as much as they could."
He added, "Colombia is indicating to exporters, go sell
what you can. And Brazil exports are already way ahead of last
Although little market-moving news emerged today, traders
news out of second-largest producer Colombia since late last
week continued to weigh on sentiment.
Colombian exporters last week said they were having a hard
time finding buyers for about 300,000 60-kg bags of green
coffee for shipment in June because the beans had essentially
been priced out of the market.
Tuesday, Colombian Finance Minister Jose Antonio Ocampo
announced the country was opening "unlimited" coffee
registrations for July-August, a period in which he said the
country was expected to export up to 2.5 million 60-kg bags of
"The market is anticipating the opening of Colombian
registrations," one trader said. "And we're going into the low
consumption period.
He said, "Besides, producers have shipped a lot of coffee
and it's just caught up."
International Coffee Organization (ICO) data released
Thursday showed exporting members' exports rose to 50.07
million 60-kg bags in the first seven months of the current
1996/97 coffee year to April, from 43.49 million in the same
1996 period,
ICO said Brazil's exports in April were up to 1.4 million
bags from 732,000 bags in the same 1995/96 period.
While supply worries may be alleviated in the short-term,
some analysts said they may re-emerge later this summer ahead
of many Latin American countries' fall harvest.
"Stocks will dwindle away and there may not be enough
coffee in August and September to make it to the next crop,"
said Smith Barney's Spilka. "There aught to be very little
coffee for the September contract delivery."
Volume reached an estimated 13,689 lots.
061106 MET jun 97
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