SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 12. lipnja 1997.
Differentials /svibanj/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 20 cts under "C" 187.80 N
Colombian MAMs 35 cts over "C" 242.80 N
El Salvador 3 cts over "C" 210.80 N
Mexican even to "C" 207.80 N
Guatemala 3 cts over "C" 210.80 N
Peru even to "C" 207.80 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 8 cts over London 88.06 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 76.06 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 189.80 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 12. lipnja 1997.
JUL7 209.00 212.00 217.50 204.50 207.00 207.80 2
SEP7 193.00 193.80 198.00 190.10 191.00 192.40 1
DEC7 172.00 174.25 176.00 168.50 169.00 170.25 1
MAR8 159.00 161.00 163.00 159.00 158.50 159.00 1
MAY8 156.00 157.00 157.50 156.00 155.00 155.25 1
JUL8 155.00 151.00 155.00 153.50 148.00 149.00 1
SEP8 150.50 143.00 150.50 150.50 142.00 143.00 1
CSCE coffee ends up in choppy session, awaits USDA
NEW YORK, June 12 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee prices ended
firmer on Thursday, but dealings were relatively subdued as
traders awaited the release of key crop estimates from U.S.
Department of Agriculture.
Speculative short-covering drove the arabica market higher
early in the session, but prices retreated after the nearby
months met with stiff resistance at yesterday's intraday
"The trade and industry were buying beneath the market,
but it could not break (Wednesday's) highs," said one broker.
July-September spread sales also weighed on the market,
traders said, as speculators unloaded nearby positions ahead
of the spot contract's first notice day on June 20. The switch
narrowed to 15.40 cents at the close, from 17.55 on Wednesday.
Benchmark September futures rose 2.30, to 192.40, ending
well off the day's early high of 198 cents. July rose 0.15
cent a lb, to close at 207.80, having traded from 204.50 to
Meanwhile, market discussions centered on forthcoming crop
estimates by the USDA. The USDA report, due out after the
close of business in New York on Friday, was expected to
include the USDA's first forecast for top-grower Brazil's
1997/98 harvest.
Early estimates from industry participants in Brazil have
put next season's crop at anywhere from 20 to 25 million 60-kg
bags, compared with this year's yield of at least 27 million.
Most U.S.-based traders said they expected the USDA figure
for 1997/98 to surpass the Brazil trade forecasts, but a lack
of consensus over what the number might show was likely to
confine the market to a narrow range on Friday, dealers said.
"I think people will hold off from being too aggressive in
a market that has an important number coming out," a second
trader said.
On the charts, September would need to clear 199.50-200.00
cents to solidify its stance, while scale-down trade buying
was expected to emerge toward the 190-cent mark.
Volume on Thursday reached an estimated 9,131 lots.
131129 MET jun 97
Plenković s Golobom otputovao na samit EU-a
Izvanredni samit EU-a o stvaranju obrambene unije mogao bi biti europska prekretnica
BiH: RS objavila protuustavne zakone, Dodik poziva na mir i suradnju
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SVJETSKA TRŽIŠTA: Europske burze porasle uoči odluka ECB-a
Razrješenja i imenovanja u Uredu predsjednika Republike
SKV: Svijet u 9,30 sati
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