SAD - KAKAO Trgovačke spot cijene 10. lipnja 1997.
minimalne količine u vagonima, cijene u am. dolarima po toni
Ghana Maincrop 1658.00 N
Ivory Maincrop Maincrop 1617.00 N
Bahia superior Superior 1638.00 N
Sanchez FAQ FAQ 1497.00 N
Sulwaesi SAQ FAQ 1455.00 N
Arriba Superior Superior 1512.00 N
Malaysia 110 1553.00 N
Liquor Ecuador 2066.00 N
Liquor Brazil 2358.00 N
Maslac African 3941.00 N
Maslac drugi 3941.00 N
Natural Cake 10/12% 555.00 N
NEW YORK - Kakao cijene pri zatvaranju burze 10. lipnja 1997.
JUL7 1434 1435 1442 1425 1434 1435
SEP7 1477 1476 1482 1467 1476 1477
DEC7 1515 1512 1521 1507 1515 1515
MAR8 1545 1547 1548 1537 1545 1545
MAY8 1560 1560 1560 1558 1565 1565
JUL8 1590 1585 1585
SEP8 1599 1605 1599 1599 1600 1605
DEC8 1616 1610 1616 1611 1618 1618
MAR9 1655 1655
CSCE cocoa ends mainly firmer, focus on switches
NEW YORK, June 10 (Reuter) - CSCE cocoa futures finished
mostly higher in sideways trading on Monday, as dealers
continued to focus on adjusting positions ahead of July
delivery period next week.
Front-month July futures rose $5 a tonne on the day, to
$1,435, having ranged between $1,442 and $1,425. Second-month
September closed $6 higher, at $1,477, while the outer months
finished up $5 to down $1.
Dealers said switches accounted for much of the estimated
7,885 lots traded on day, with the nearby July/September
switch closing at $42.
Cocoa prices rose at the opening, after gains in the
London cocoa market overnight. But the market dipped below
unchanged after July's initial failure to fill a chart gap
between $1,432 and $1,441 prompted local profit-taking.
A bout of trade and local buying pushed prices into firm
ground and July managed to fill the gap, but skattered
liquidation ahead of July first notice day on June 17 capped
the upside.
Many traders expected liquidation pressure ahead of the
notice period to continue to weigh on the market. July's open
interest fell by another 540 lots on Monday, to 16,577 lots.
Technically, traders said the $1,460 level would pose a
major overhead challenge to the July contract. Near-term
support was noted at $1,420, then $1,410-$1,408.
Traders said the market would probably continue to trade
in a range between $1,400 and $1,500 basis July until more
information on the 1997/98 West African crop emerged.
"We're in a holding pattern waiting for the next round of
pound counts from Ivory Coast and Ghana," said one trader.
"The weather has improved the last four weeks and the question
is: has the rainfall doen anything for the pod setting?"
Ivorian crop analysts on Tuesday reported favorable signs
for next year's 1997/98 main cocoa crop, but add that no
reliable indication for the first half of that year would
appear on trees until late July.
111034 MET jun 97
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