29. svibnja 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 992 Med merino 21m 828
Fine merino 20m 884 Med merino 22m 756
Broad merino 23m 604 Comeback 25m 556n
Broad merino 24m 573 Comeback 26m 542n
Fine Xbred 27m 531n Med Xbred 29m 524n
Fine Xbred 28m 524n Med Xbred 30m 502n
Med Xbred 31m 477n Merino cardings 448
Xbred cardings 408n Eastern mkt ind 700
Australian wool indicator rises 4 cents to 700c/kg
MELBOURNE, May 29 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator rose four cents on Thursday to 700 cents a kg
clean, the highest level in nearly two years, at sales in Sydney
and Melbourne, Wool International said.
The indicator's 25 cent rise this week took it to the
highest level seen since early September 1995.
Merino fleece was dearer, with 19/20/21/23/26 microns 0.5
percent dearer, 22/24m one percent dearer and 25m 1.5 percent
Merino skirtings of 19m were unchanged, with 20/21/22m up to
one percent dearer.
In crossbreds, 27m were up to 1.5 percent dearer, 28/29m one
percent dearer, 30m slightly dearer and 31m 0.5 percent cheaper.
In cardings, lambs were unchanged, with locks slightly
cheaper and crutchings firm.
WI said Japanese interests including China were principal
buyers with support from Western Europe and local mills.
Of the 26,039 bales offered, 6.4 percent were passed in.
In early Fremantle selling, 20/21/22m merino fleence were
1.5 percent dearer and 23/24m one percent dearer.
In cardings, locks were fully firm.
The early pass-in rate for the 11,813-bale offering was 14
percent, WI said.
Sales continue next week in Sydney and Fremantle with about
39,000 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 02. lipnja 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 550 58s SUPER 384
66s SUPER 502 58s BLENDED 366
64s SUPER 426 56s SUPER 351
64s BLENDED 421 54s CARDED 332
60s SUPER 394 50s CARDED 323
60s BLENDED 382 58s ENGLISH 266
56s ENGLISH 254
50s ENGLISH 251
Bradford wool sees efforts to push up quotations
BRADFORD, June 2 (Reuter) - Work was back to normal in local
mills after shutdowns last week and capacity machinery activity
on the worsted side was among encouraging features of the
Finding new orders at prices reflecting recent strength in
wool was, however, not so easy. Currency remained helpful, with
the Australian dollar often just softer against the US$ and
But South American topmakers are determined to push up
quotations. A strong pound helps dampen imported prices but is a
barrier for UK exporters.
031152 MET jun 97
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