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CIJENE BILJNIH ULJA NA TRŽIŠTU U VELIKOJ BRITANIJI Velika Britanija - SJEME 21. svibnja 1997. ____________________________________________________________ SOJINO ZRNO cif bilo kojeg porijekla u sterlinzima po toni svi lip srp/lis stu/sij 214,50 215,50 216,50 186,50 REPINO SJEME isporučeno u Veliku Britaniju u sterlinzima po toni svi lip kol lis/pro 173,00 174,00 170,00 173,00 _________________________________________________________ Velika Britanija - BILJNA ULJA sve cijene su u sterlinzima po toni _____________________________________________________________ ULJE OD ULJE OD ULJE OD CARGILL SOJINO REPINOG LANENOG LANENOG ULJE SJEMENA SJEMENA SJEMENA _____________________________________________________________ STU/SIJ - - - - sojino ulje sirovovo-istovareno u Liverpoolu ulje od repinog sjemena - istovareno Hull/Liverpool ulje od lanenog sjemena - bilo kojeg porijekla istovareno Hull, u metalnim bačvama ulje od cargill lanenog sjemena - ex-mill Hull bez ambalaže _____________________________________________________________ European veg oils closes lower in lifless trade LONDON, May 21 (Reuter) - European vegetable oils closed easier in line with overnight losses across the Atlantic, traders said. Trade was virtually non-existent due to the absense of any direction from the Malaysian palm oil futures and a general lack of demand. Soy oil and rape oil closed 1.25 to 2.50 guilders down on Tuesday's finish, but may bounce back slightly if early trade on the Chicago soybean oil futures is sustained. Soy oil traded Aug/Oct at 101.25, while rape oil fetched 101 and 100.25 guilders for for Jul and Aug/Oct respectively. Crude palm oil closed $2.50 to $5 down in line with soy oil. Only one trade was reported for Jul/Sep at $540. Palm olein, RBD oil and palm stearin were all unquoted throughout the day. Coconut oil finished unchanged to $2.50 lower without trading. Informacije: Zoran Popijač telefon: 01/273-927 fax: 01/4550-148 221054 MET may 97

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