U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 12. svibnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 756 ( 1,238 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
69,39 centi (68,70 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 09. svibnja 1997.
JUL7 72.00 71.95 72.30 71.68 71.93 71.98
OCT7 73.35 73.40 73.70 73.15 73.35 73.43
DEC7 74.25 74.40 74.67 74.10 74.25 74.32
MAR8 75.70 75.60 75.85 75.45 75.70 75.60
MAY8 76.05 76.20 76.30
JUL8 76.50 76.60 76.70
OCT8 74.50 74.60 74.70
DEC8 73.55 73.55 73.75 73.50 73.55 73.65
MAR9 74.75 74.75 74.85
NYCE cotton ends barely down ahead of USDA data
NEW YORK, May 9 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures settled
slightly lower ahead of the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
first estimates for the 1997/98 cotton crop.
Analysts put the production estimate in a broad range
between 17.96 and 18.8 million bales, but stressed that the
USDA could easily overestimate the crop based on what many
market sources believe is an inflated planted area estimate.
The USDA put planted area at 14.485 million acres in its
March forecast. Since that time, high soybean prices, a
sluggish cotton market and weather-induced planting delays,
have probably caused farmers to abandon cotton, analysts said.
In West Texas, where planting of the cotton crop is
running behind schedule due to cool, wet weather, heavy rain
is forecast for the weekend, Weather Services Corp, said.
"It rained cats and dogs here last night. People here are
worried," a Texas-based trader, said.
The most-active July contract ended 0.14 cent weaker at
71.98 cents per lb, having ranged from 72.30 to 71.68 cents.
December finished down 0.24 cent to 74.32 cents.
Volume was estimated at 9,000 lots compared with
Thursday's official 5,222 lots.
Support remained at the contract low of 71.00 cents basis
July, followed by 70.00 cents.
131055 MET may 97
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