SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 12. svibnja 1997.
Differentials /svibanj/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 18 cts under "C" 211.65 N
Colombian MAMs 48 cts over "C" 277.65 N
El Salvador 22 cts over "C" 251.65 N
Mexican 18 cts over "C" 247.65 N
Guatemala 22 cts over "C" 251.65 N
Peru 19 cts over "C" 248.65 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 90.51 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 76.51 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 14 cts under "C" 215.65 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 12. svibnja 1997.
MAY7 246.00 240.00 247.00 239.00 245.00 245.65 2
JUL7 230.00 218.70 230.25 218.70 228.75 229.65 2
SEP7 204.50 195.50 205.00 195.50 204.00 204.45 1
DEC7 179.75 174.00 179.75 174.00 179.75 179.75 1
MAR8 166.50 161.50 166.50 161.50 166.50 166.50 1
MAY8 158.50 155.00 158.50 155.00 158.50 158.50 1
JUL8 152.00 150.00 152.00 152.00 151.50 151.75 1
SEP8 140.00 145.00 145.50 1
CSCE coffee ends up sharply, July hits new high
NEW YORK, May 12 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures ended
sharply higher on Friday, with benchmark July surging more
than five percent, as speculators bought heavily amid bullish
technical indicators and a fundamental outlook of continued
supply tightness, traders said.
"It's a combination of technical and fundamental factors,"
said Victor Henriquez, the president of Hencrop Becstone in
Miami. "Technically, it broke out of a bull flag formation.
Fundamentally, the reality is, there is no coffee."
The entire board -- except the spot May contract -- set
new life-of-contract highs during the session. Active July
jumped to a lifetime high of 230.25 cents per lb, before
settling at 229.65 cents, up 11.75 cents on the day.
Spot May gained 6.65 cents, to 245.65 cents, while the
back months closed 4.35 to 8.90 higher.
Reflecting growing supply concerns, the July/September
switch ballooned today, ending at 225.20 cents compared with
22.35 cents on Friday.
Coffee prices headed higher at the outset, defying
pre-opening expectations, after the trade came in covering
short positions, dealers said. Origin selling, most notably
from Brazil, initially held the rally in check and kept the
July contract beneath key resistance at 225.00 cents.
But bullish sentiment was re-ignited by a report from
brokerage Merrill Lynch, which said coffee prices could reach
record highs ahead of new crop shipments this autumn due to
ongoing supply tightness.
"There seems to be nothing to stand in the way of record
high prices being attained until the new crop mild coffee
becomes available next season," Merrill Lynch analyst Judith
Ganes wrote in a bi-weekly report. "Since both producer and
consumer stocks are at low levels and current price levels are
not sufficent to curb demand."
Although Merrill Lynch did not specify a price, the
highest price on CSCE was 340.70 cents a lb set April 14,
"The report from Merrill Lynch showed the seriousness of
the sitiuation and emphasized the potential of this market,"
said Henriquez.
"The first time someone yells 'cold weather,' this thing
is going to explode," he added.
Traders and analysts said the market would probably
continue to be well underpinned ahead of the June through
August winter season in top-grower Brazil. Two severe frosts
in 1994, one in late June and another in early July, cut
Brazil's 1995/96 crop by some 50 percent and sent futures
prices to near 10-year highs.
"This is the time of year when no one wants to sell," one
trader said. "Who is going to sell it in front of the frost
season? There's absolutely no reason to be short."
Additionally, traders will keep an eye on second-largest
producer Colombia, where some forecasters have cast doubt on
the size of the current coffee crop.
A Colombian exporter said Monday the country's 1996/97
coffee harvest was likely to fall short of the federation's
estimate of about 10.1 million bags.
The private exporter, who did not wish to be named, told
Reuters that based on production figures so far, he forecast
this year's output at some 9.5 million bags.
His estimate took into consideration April to June
production projection of around 2.5 million bags, down from
the federation's forecast of three million 60-kg bags for that
However, some traders said an increase of coffee certified
for delivery against the exchange could dampen sentiment.
After Monday's close, the CSCE reported certified coffee
stocks increased by 4,373 bags, to 31,292 bags as of May 9.
There were 14,310 bags of coffee pending grading, the exchange
Volume reached an estimated 11,747 lots on the day.
131053 MET may 97
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