07. svibnja 1997.
cijene su u australskim centima po kg
Fine merino 19m 959 Med merino 21m 784
Fine merino 20m 847 Med merino 22m 713
Broad merino 23m 579 Comeback 25m 534
Broad merino 24m 549 Comeback 26m 521n
Fine Xbred 27m 514n Med Xbred 29m 509n
Fine Xbred 28m 508n Med Xbred 30m 491n
Med Xbred 31m 473n Merino cardings 437
Xbred cardings 397n Eastern mkt ind 669
Australia wool indicator falls 4 cents to 669c/kg
MELBOURNE, May 7 (Reuter) - The Australian wool market
eastern indicator fell another four cents to 669 cents a kg
clean on Wednesday at sales in Sydney and Melbourne, Wool
International said.
Merino fleece was mostly cheaper, with 19/20/21/23/26
microns up to 0.5 percent cheaper, 22m one percent cheaper, 24m
slightly cheaper and 25m slightly dearer, while merino skirtings
were fully firm.
In crossbreds, 27/28/31m were unchanged, with 29 m 0.5
percent dearer and 30m slightly dearer.
In cardings, lambs were one percent dearer, locks slightly
dearer in both centres and crutchings were unchanged.
WI said Japanese interests including China were principal
buyers with good support from Taiwan and Western Europe.
Of the 30,422 bales offered, 11.3 percent were passed in.
Sales continue on Thursday in Sydney and Melbourne with
about 29,100 bales to be offered.
Bradford - cijene vune - 14. travnja 1997.
cijene u penijima/kg
70s SUPER 505 58s SUPER 376
66s SUPER 462 58s BLENDED 361
64s SUPER 410 56s SUPER 345
64s BLENDED 400 54s CARDED 329
60s SUPER 390 50s CARDED 325
60s BLENDED 373 58s ENGLISH 271
56s ENGLISH 259
50s ENGLISH 256
Bradford wool sees demand, but caution prevails
BRADFORD, April 14 (Reuter) - Participants in the market
were generally inclined to leave prices unchanged until they see
a further auction test of wool values this week.
The latest Australian tendency was firmer and stockpile
sales supported an impression of sound demand. But this only
applied to finer wool, with coarser crossbreds still neglected
and New Zealand prices in this sector close to, if not at, their
lowest of the current selling season.
New business being placed in the UK and Europe is mostly
said to be limited in quantity with buyers only ready to pay
highly competitive prices. The view that new business will come
through as old orders are absorbed remains theoretical rather
than a fact for most firms.
Currency is closely watched as are any factors likely to
point to higher interest rates in the UK or United States and a
consequent firming by sterling or the dollar.
A new suggestion that the remaining Australian stockpile may
be acquired by a single buyer is disturbing to firms relying on
this as a steady source of supply.
080937 MET may 97
Umro proslavljeni australski tenisač Fred Stolle
Organizatori Eurovizije nadaju se dolasku Céline Dion u Basel
Francuska nudi obavještajnu podršku Ukrajini nakon što je SAD otkazao pomoć
Plenković s Golobom otputovao na samit EU-a
Izvanredni samit EU-a o stvaranju obrambene unije mogao bi biti europska prekretnica
BiH: RS objavila protuustavne zakone, Dodik poziva na mir i suradnju
NBA: Giannis u odabranom društvu s više od 20.000 koševa
SVJETSKA TRŽIŠTA: Europske burze porasle uoči odluka ECB-a
Razrješenja i imenovanja u Uredu predsjednika Republike
SKV: Svijet u 9,30 sati