SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 06. svibnja 1997.
Differentials /svibanj/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 10 cts under "C" 239.60 N
Colombian MAMs 38 cts over "C" 287.60 N
El Salvador 20 cts over "C" 269.60 N
Mexican 12 cts over "C" 261.60 N
Guatemala 22 cts over "C" 271.60 N
Peru 20 cts over "C" 269.60 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 84.16 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 70.16 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 13 cts under "C" 236.60 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 06. svibnja 1997.
MAY7 250.00 251.00 254.00 249.00 249.00 249.60 2
JUL7 212.50 217.00 221.50 212.25 212.25 212.85 2
SEP7 190.00 194.00 197.00 189.50 189.75 190.15 1
DEC7 170.00 171.50 175.50 168.00 169.50 169.65 1
MAR8 157.00 158.00 161.00 156.00 157.00 157.00 1
MAY8 151.50 151.00 155.50 150.00 151.50 151.50 1
JUL8 146.50 144.00 146.50 146.50 144.00 144.50 1
SEP8 141.00 144.00 144.00 141.00 139.00 139.25 1
CSCE coffee settles down sharply in a correction
NEW YORK, May 6 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures ended
sharply lower on Tuesday, as speculators and locals liquidated
long positions in a technical correction to the market's
recent upswing, trading sources said.
News Colombia's truck drivers threatened to launch another
nationwide strike did little to ward off sellers, traders
said, with the sell-off picking up speed after July delivery
breached chart support at 214.50 cents a lb.
Benchmark July ended at 212.85 cents, down 5.65 cents on
the day and toward the bottom of the day's 221.50-212.25
range. Spot May fell 1.30 cents, to 249.60, while the back
months closed 0.50 to 5.25 lower.
"It's a correction," said Refco analyst Ann Prendergast.
"For right now, I don't think there is enough fundamentally to
support a price over 225.00 (cents per lb basis July), but
there seems to be enough to support it over 200.00."
Depleted consumer coffee stockpiles, smaller-than-expected
harvests this season in many Latin American countries -- most
notably second-largest producer Colombia -- and the prospect
for a smaller 1997/98 crop from top-grower Brazil should
continue to underpin prices, she said.
Additionally, traders said they will continue to keep an
eye on strike developments in Colombia. Union officials said
truck drivers in Cartagena port ceased operations on Monday to
protest freight owners' failure to fulfill the terms of an
agreement that ended a five-day strike at the end of last
The truckers' union was scheduled to meet with Transport
Ministry officials Tuesday afternoon in an effort to avert the
work stoppage.
Although the Colombia news failed to sustain a rally
today, traders said another prolonged work stoppage would
eventually drive prices higher. Any disruption to the flow of
supply at a time when inventories were already at low levels
would have to be viewed as supportive, they said.
Reflecting supply concerns, the nearby spreads have become
sharply backwardated, with the CSCE May/July spread ballooning
to 36.75 cents today from 31.40 at the close on Monday.
After Tuesday's close, the CSCE reported certified coffee
stocks dropped by 13,999 bags, to 27,699 bags as of May 5.
There were 11,250 bags of coffee pending grading, the exchange
Technically, traders said a breach of 211.50-209.00 basis
July could lead to a test of the 200.00 mark. On the upside,
they pegged July near-term resistance at 214.50-215.00.
Volume reched an estimated 9,054 lots on the day.
071045 MET may 97
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