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LONDONSKA BURZA KOVINA: SLUŽBENE CIJENE 15.04.1997. LME OFFICIAL PRICES - APR 15 CASH 3 MTHS 15 MTHS 27 MTHS SETT COPPER 2314.0/15.0 2276.0/77.0 2085.0/95.0 2035.0/45.0 2315 (STG EQV) 1421.55 1399.96 TIN 5690/5695 5735/5740 5825/5835 5695 LEAD 631.00/2.00 640.00/1.00 657.00/2.00 632 (STG EQV) 388.09 394.11 ZINC 1222.0/22.5 1248.0/48.5 1218.0/23.0 1173.0/78.0 1222.5 ALU.HG 1519.5/20.5 1555.0/55.5 1613.0/18.0 1608.0/13.0 1520.5 NICKEL 7250/7255 7360/7365 7610/7630 7790/7810 7255 ALALLOY 1423.0/25.0 1451.0/52.0 1520.0/40.0 1425 SETTLEMENT RATES - GBP 1.6285 DEM 1.7328 JPY 126.26 LME copper extends rebound, but market wary LONDON, April 15 (Reuter) - LME copper extended the previous day's bounce, giving a shot in the arm to some of the other metals, which also explored higher levels by the mid-session break on Tuesday. But activity was muted and many questioned whether the firmer prices could be sustained. "It's more an absence of selling than a lot of buying," said one floor trader. "The funds may be waiting for higher levels to sell again," he said, adding that funds are said to have liquidated long positions but not yet gone short. Three-month copper strolled higher on the kerb to finish $22 stronger at $2,279 per tonne, off a high of $2,285. A fall in stocks this morning of 2,125 tonnes buoyed short-term sentiment, bringing to 18,700 tonnes the decline since daily reporting began on April 7. Lacklustre volume may be due to major players holding back, heeding advice from analysts such as Merrill Lynch's metals specialist Ted Arnold. "All in all, too risky to sell copper, unless you have the metal to deliver, and too early to buy. Just watch and wait is our advice for the time being," Arnold said in Merrill's latest Commodity Market Trends report. The peak of Western world demand will be over by May and with the market now in surplus, prices could head south quite rapidly, but only if the Chinese continue to hold back, he added. The fourth quarter usually sees the highest concentration of Chinese buying. Aluminium held to a $7 tight range, resisting the urge to test lows as foreseen by chartists. With technical signals looking bearish, chartists eventually expect prices to slide to test the year's low of $1,534 hit on February 11. "If the market doesn't make any progress on the upside over the next couple of days, it will be sold off," a floor trader said. Nickel had a go at the upside after bouncing from around $7,100 on Monday, touching a high of $7,380 and finishing the morning at $7,340, up $100 from Monday. Prices still have to climb above Friday's high of $7,390, then $7,500 to start to make the picture look more positive, analysts said. The $7,400 is an important level, since the 10-day moving average and the downtrend line since early March coincide just above there, they added. Zinc turned back from a high of $1,257, just below the 10-day moving average, drifting back to end the session unchanged at $1,253. Lead gained $9 to $641 but tin shed $15 to $5,735. Alloy was little traded, finishing unchanged at $1,451/52. _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN - 14.04.1997. - po pojedinim skladištima _________________________________________________________________ ++ COPPER WIRE BARS + ANTWERP 50 HAMBURG 25 ++ COPPER CATHODES + ANTWERP 1400 DUNKIRK 50 HAMBURG 15025 ROTTERDAM 11650 PIRAEUS 25 GENOA 150 LEGHORN 575 TRIESTE 16000 BARCELONA 225 BILBAO 12425 GOTHENBURG 14625 HELSINBORG 8150 LONG BEACH 44625 LOS ANGELE 2250 SINGAPORE 28525 ++ TIN ++ ANTWERP 10 HAMBURG 125 ROTTERDAM 4450 GENOA 375 TRIESTE 15 BILBAO 40 HULL 350 LIVERPOOL 4130 BALTIMORE 320 CHICAGO 20 LONG BEACH 5 LOS ANGELE 35 NEW HAVEN 50 ++ LEAD + ANTWERP 100 HAMBURG 800 ROTTERDAM 1575 GENOA 2050 GOTHENBURG 9875 HELSINBORG 80550 GOOLE 575 HULL 850 LIVERPOOL 50 SUNDERLAND 175 DETROIT 750 LONG BEACH 1700 SINGAPORE 8875 ++ ZINC + ANTWERP 35075 DUNKIRK 1175 BREMEN 1325 HAMBURG 900 ROTTERDAM 148175 PIRAEUS 275 GENOA 15100 TRIESTE 114400 BARCELONA 13075 BILBAO 13200 GOTHENBURG 10625 HELSINBORG 58050 LIVERPOOL 13325 CHICAGO 200 SINGAPORE 11500 ++ NICKEL ++ ANTWERP 930 ROTTERDAM 38370 GENOA 150 TRIESTE 54 GOTHENBURG 10128 LIVERPOOL 30 LONG BEACH 96 NEW HAVEN 120 TOLEDO 6 SINGAPORE 1170 ++ ALUMINIUM ++ ANTWERP 1900 ROTTERDAM 51550 TRIESTE 525 BILBAO 450 GOTHENBURG 46125 HELSINBORG 139725 AVONMOUTH 27675 HULL 116600 LIVERPOOL 259100 NEWCASTLE 127425 SUNDERLAND 46975 DETROIT 250 NEW HAVEN 300 HAKATA 50 MOJI 50 SINGAPORE 16475 ++ ALUMINIUM ALLOY ++ ANTWERP 6220 DUNKIRK 1560 DUISBERG 620 HAMBURG 200 ROTTERDAM 1380 BRESCIA 1940 GENOA 3040 TRIESTE 6120 TRIESTE 80 BILBAO 1800 GOTHENBURG 220 DERBY 360 HULL 740 LIVERPOOL 27700 CHICAGO 4160 DETROIT 1280 LONG BEACH 10320 ST LOUIS 3160 _________________________________________________________________ STANJE LME ZALIHA NA DAN 15. travnja 1997. količine su u tonama _________________________________________________________________ COPPER 155775 DOWN 2125 TIN 9925 DOWN 120 LEAD 107925 UP 400 ZINC 436400 DOWN 1650 ALUMINIUM 835175 DOWN 1675 NICKEL 51054 UP 1872 AL.ALLOY 70900 DOWN 280 STOCK IN OUT COPPER wire bars 75 0 0 COPPER cathodes 155700 475 2600 TIN 9925 0 120 LEAD 107925 400 0 ZINC 436400 0 1650 NICKEL briquettes 6516 1872 0 NICKEL cathodes 44502 198 198 NICKEL pellets 36 0 0 STOCK IN OUT ALUMINIUM ingots 359800 0 1300 ALUMINIUM T-bars 295400 1050 1025 ALUMINIUM sows 179975 0 400 AL.ALLOY D12S/JIS 500 0 0 AL.ALLOY 226/DIN 40560 0 220 AL.ALLOY A380.1 29840 0 60 FRANCUSKA BURZA - 14. travnja 1997. BAKAR FFR/100 KG 1392 KOSITAR FFR/100 KG 3816 CINK EL. FFR/100 KG 804 ALUMINIJ FFR/100 KG 1200 SREB. C3E FFR/KG 836/985 PLATINA FFR/KG 59600/90100 PALADIJ FFR/KG 24700/33100 IRIDIJ FFR/KG 25500/48000 KOBALT FFR/100 KG 36255 ŽIVA FFR/100 KG 5200 NJEMAČKA BURZA - 14. travnja 1997. - u DEM po 100 kg GERMAN ELEKTROLITIK 400.60/412.35 OLOVO U KABELIMA 99.94% 122.50/123.50 151602 MET apr 97

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