NEW YORK - Šećer br. 11 službena količina 09. travnja 1997.
May97 24639
Jul97 22471
Oct95 5349
Mar98 2432
May98 240
Jul98 204
Oct98 25
Ukupna službena količina 55360
NEW YORK - Šećer br.11 cijene pri zatvaranju burze 21. travnja
MAY7 11.23 11.30 11.32 11.20 11.21 11.24
JUL7 11.09 11.10 11.13 11.05 11.08 11.08
OCT7 10.85 10.82 10.86 10.81 10.85 10.86
MAR8 10.75 10.73 10.77 10.72 10.75 10.76
MAY8 10.70 10.66 10.70 10.66 10.70 10.71
JUL8 10.63 10.61 10.63 10.61 10.63 10.64
OCT8 10.55 10.57 10.57
MAR9 10.45 10.51 10.51
NEW YORK, April 21 (Reuter) - CSCE world sugar prices
closed moderately weaker as players remained focused on the
nearby switch, dealers said.
"The market remained under a lot of pressure from
commission houses who were selling May/July once again," a
broker said.
Prices climbed slightly higher on the open amid trade and
commission house buying, but quickly eased below unchanged in
a slight correction from Friday's rally. Light producer
selling helped to stymie early gains, traders said.
Most-active July is expected to maintain support at 11.00
cents amid talk of buying from Russia. While dealers agreed
that the rumors probably came from business done in the last
week, they said it could provid support to the market in the
near term.
Additionally, the trade remains short the July contract,
dealers said, although some players are willing to sell the
most-active month on its strength.
Volume was estimated at only 23,663 lots compared with
Friday's official 44,687.
July ended down 0.01 cent at 11.08, having ranged from
11.13 to 11.05 cents. May settled 0.05 lower at 11.24 cents,
while the outer months closed unchanged to 0.03 firmer.
Resistance was pegged at 11.18 cents in July.
The last trading day for the May contract is April 30.
221214 MET apr 97
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