SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 21. travnja 1997.
Differentials ZADNJA
N.Y. coffee physical spots - Apr 18
USc/Lb Differentials (basis May) Last
Santos 4's even to "C" 214.90 N
Colombian MAMs 48 cts over "C" 262.90 N
El Salvador 15 cts over "C" 229.90 N
Mexican 5 cts over "C" 219.90 N
Guatemala 12 cts over "C" 226.90 N
Peru 18 cts over "C" 232.90 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 6 cts over London 80.44 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 70.44 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 13 cts under "C" 202.90 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 21. travnja 1997.
MAY7 214.50 222.00 224.00 210.00 214.50 214.90 2
JUL7 194.50 198.00 199.00 187.50 193.50 194.05 1
SEP7 175.00 178.00 172.00 175.00 175.50 1
DEC7 156.00 158.00 159.50 154.00 156.00 156.00 1
MAR8 143.00 145.00 147.75 143.00 143.00 143.00 1
MAY8 138.50 140.00 138.50 138.30 138.50 138.50 1
JUL8 137.00 135.00 137.00 137.00 132.30 133.15 1
SEP8 130.00 129.50 130.25 1
NEW YORK, April 21 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee ended slightly
lower in volatile trading Monday, as the market digested the
latest labor developments from Colombia and Brazil while
speculators adjusted positions ahead of May futures' first
notice day.
News that Colombia's truck drivers had gone ahead with a
long-planned work stoppage brought buyers out early this
morning, traders said, briefly driving prices up to new
life-of-contract highs.
But news Brazil's port workers had ended their work
stoppage after two days, coupled with nervousness ahead of
May's first notice day on Tuesday, quickly put an end to the
rally, they said.
Heavy liquidation pressure on the spot month briefly sent
prices spiralling down sharply, but the market gravitated back
toward unchanged by the close.
Most-active July futures ended down 0.10 cent a lb, at
194.05, having traded from 187.50 to a new contract high of
199. Spot May fell 1.65, to 214.90.
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