U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 10. travnja 1997.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 1,064 ( 118 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
68,54 centi (69,14 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 10. travnja 1997.
MAY7 71.85 71.30 71.36
JUL7 73.15 73.60 73.90 73.00 73.05 73.15
OCT7 74.26 74.80 74.90 74.26 74.26 74.26
DEC7 75.45 75.70 75.90 75.25 75.30 75.38
MAR8 76.36 76.75 76.80 76.36 76.50 76.53
MAY8 77.02 77.30 77.02 77.02 77.20 77.25
JUL8 77.42 77.80 77.42 77.42 77.50 77.55
OCT8 75.00 75.00 75.10
DEC8 74.50 74.50 74.57 74.50 74.50 74.50
MAR9 75.25 75.25 75.27
NYCE cotton closes down ahead of USDA report
NEW YORK, April 10 (Reuter) - NYCE cotton futures closed
lower in mostly technically-driven trade ahead of Friday's
monthly supply and demand estimates.
Floor sources expect the U.S. Department of Agriculture to
cut its estimate for domestic use and raise exports slightly.
Other analysts said the U.S. is poised to meet the current
export estimate of 6.8 million bales and is not likely to
exceed that target, however.
The USDA will issue its monthly report at 0830 EDT.
Ryan Powell, cotton analyst with Allendale, noted that
new-crop December failed to pierce Wednesday's high of 76.15
cents, which set the contract up for losses.
But high prices for soybeans and wet weather in South
Texas and the Delta could provide support for new crop
futures, he added.
May also falied to climb over the high of 72.25 cents made
during the previous session.
"The old crop is going to have trouble rallying much
unless there is some new demand," Powell said.
The May contract ended down 0.74 cent at 71.36 cents per
lb, having ranged from 73.90 to 73.00. The back months settled
0.84 to 0.03 lower.
Volume was estimated at 13,500 lots compared with
Wednesday's official 16,325 lots.
Traders said a weak sales report from the USDA prompted
early selling.
The USDA reported today new sales at only 150,600 480-lb
bales, for the week ended April 3. Shipments were put at
270,000 bales.
Open interest stood at 30,801 lots as of Tuesday's close.
The first notice day for May cotton is April 24.
May options expire on Friday.
111014 MET apr 97
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