SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 07. travnja 1997.
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 6 cts under "C" 173.40 N
Colombian MAMs 31 cts over "C" 210.40 N
El Salvador 9 cts over "C" 188.40 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 177.40 N
Guatemala 10 cts over "C" 189.40 N
Peru 13 cts over "C" 192.40 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 7 cts over London 78.44 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 67.44 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 12 cts under "C" 167.40 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 07. travnja 1997.
MAY7 179.25 176.00 183.00 173.75 179.00 179.40 1
JUL7 165.00 162.10 167.25 160.50 164.75 165.05 1
SEP7 153.00 150.90 154.75 149.50 153.00 153.00 1
DEC7 142.00 139.00 142.50 138.00 141.50 141.90 1
MAR8 131.25 128.90 133.00 128.50 131.25 131.25 1
MAY8 126.00 126.00 126.00 126.00 127.00 127.15 1
JUL8 123.00 123.00 123.15 1
SEP8 121.50 121.50 121.75 1
CSCE coffee ends lightly traded session firmer
NEW YORK, April 7 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures recovered
from sharp morning losses to end modestly higher on Monday,
buoyed by trade buying and speculative shortcovering, traders
A round of commission house liquidation after the opening
bell drove the active May contract through near-term chart
support at 175.00 cents per lb to a session low of 173.75
Traders said May's abiliity to hold above Friday's low of
172.00 and views that the market was oversold prompted day
traders to cover their short positions.
May closed up 0.25 cent per lb, at 179.40 cents, but also
well off its peak of 183.00. Second-month July settled 0.30
cent firmer, to 165.05 cents, while the back months finished
up 0.90 to 2.90.
Some traders said today's initial sell-off may have been
prompted by mild temperatures in Brazil on Monday. Talk of
cooler weather moving into Brazil's coffee belt early this
week encouraged some afternoon buying on Friday.
But temperatures in Brazil's coffee-growing areas only
fell into the mid-50s Fahrenheit, well above the mid-30s
needed to get frost.
The earliest frosts to hit Brazil's coffee belt in the
last 100 years was on May 31, with the most critical time for
coffee plantations from mid-June to mid-August.
Also in Brazil, stevedores at the key port of Santos are
ready to go back on strike immediately should steel company
Companhia Siderurgica Paulista (Cosipa) start loading vessels
at its private terminal, a spokesman said.
Stevedores at Santos went on strike for three days last
week, but had little impact on coffee futures as coffee
exports from top-grower Brazil normally slowdown at this time
of year.
Technically, traders said May coffee could trade sideways
in the near-term between 173.50 support and 183.00 resistance.
Volume was fairly light, at around 6,300 lots, traders
081017 MET apr 97
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