SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 04. travnja 1997.
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 6 cts under "C" 173.15 N
Colombian MAMs 31 cts over "C" 210.15 N
El Salvador 9 cts over "C" 188.15 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 177.15 N
Guatemala 10 cts over "C" 189.15 N
Peru 13 cts over "C" 192.15 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 7 cts over London 78.21 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 67.21 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 12 cts under "C" 167.15 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 04. travnja 1997.
MAY7 179.50 176.25 183.00 172.00 178.50 179.15 1
JUL7 164.50 162.00 168.00 159.50 164.00 164.75 1
SEP7 152.50 150.00 154.00 149.20 152.00 152.10 1
DEC7 139.00 138.50 143.00 137.50 139.00 139.00 1
MAR8 129.00 128.50 131.50 128.00 129.00 129.00 1
MAY8 128.50 126.00 130.00 128.50 126.00 126.05 1
JUL8 124.50 124.00 125.00 124.50 122.00 122.05 1
SEP8 123.00 122.50 123.00 122.50 121.50 121.75 1
CSCE coffee ends mainly higher after early selloff
NEW YORK, April 4 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures recovered
from recent steep losses to end moderately higher on Friday,
bolstered by an afternoon round of commission house buying,
traders said.
In what was mainly viewed as a technical correction to an
eight percent slide in the active May contract on Thursday,
prices managed to erase losses from follow through sales this
morning. May delivery slid nearly 6.00 cents per lb --
reaching a session low of 172.00 -- before turning around.
At the close, May stood 1.45 cents per lb firmer, at
179.15 cents, but well off its peak of 183.00. Second-month
July settled 1.40 cents higher, to 164.75 cents, while the
back months finished up 3.30 to down 1.00.
Dealers said some of the day's buying was fueled by talk
of cooler weather moving into Brazil's coffee belt early next
But while temperatures in Brazil's coffee-growing areas
may be turn unseasonably cool, weather forecasters said there
was no chance of damaging frost.
"The earliest freeze of all time was in late May or early
June," said Smith Barney meteorologist Jon Davis. "So, to even
mention frost is ridiculous. They just don't have freezes
right now, it just turned fall in Brazil."
Temperatures in the coffee belt, which normally average in
low 60s Fahrenheit, are forecast to drop into the low 50s F
(low teens C). Temperatures would need to drop to the mid-30s
to get frost.
Additionally, some traders said news of a widening port
strike in Brazil may have provided some underlying support.
The strike by stevedores in Brazil's key port of Santos,
which began on Wednesday, spread to two other coffee ports on
Friday. Port officials in Vitoria and Rio de Janeiro confirmed
early Friday loading operations had stopped in support of a
24-hour strike called by the National Stevedores Federation.
After Friday's close, CSCE reported certified coffee
stocks were unchanged, at 83,078 60-kg bags as of April 3.
There were no bags pending grading, the exchange said.
Volume reached an estimated 11,916 lots, down from
Thursday's official tally of 16,916 lots.
070954 MET apr 97
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