SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 27. ožujka 1997.
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 6 cts under "C" 183.80 N
Colombian MAMs 34 cts over "C" 223.80 N
El Salvador 9 cts over "C" 198.80 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 187.80 N
Guatemala 10 cts over "C" 199.80 N
Peru 13 cts over "C" 202.80 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 7 cts over London 81.03 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 70.03 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 10 cts under "C" 179.80 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 27. ožujka 1997.
MAY7 190.00 187.35 192.00 183.00 188.50 189.80 1
JUL7 173.00 173.50 177.00 168.00 172.25 172.55 1
SEP7 160.00 162.75 165.00 159.00 160.00 160.00 1
DEC7 146.00 148.60 149.10 146.00 146.00 146.00 1
MAR8 136.00 138.00 139.00 136.00 136.00 136.00 1
MAY8 135.00 130.00 135.00 135.00 129.00 130.00 1
JUL8 132.50 129.00 132.50 130.50 126.00 128.00 1
CSCE coffee ends mixed in choppy pre-holiday trade
NEW YORK, March 27 (Reuter) - (Reuter) - CSCE coffee
futures ended mixed in choppy trade on Thursday, as traders
focused on squaring their books ahead of the three-day Easter
Traders said local activity on both sides of the market
kept prices seesawing throughout the session. "It was a big
day for locals," one trader said. "They were chasing stops all
May futures closed up 2.95 cents per lb, to 189.80 cents,
after ranging from 192.00 to 183.00. Second-position July rose
0.55 cent, to 172.55, while the back months finished down 1.00
to 3.00.
Volume was fairly heavy at an estimated 12,329 lots
Thursday, but dealers said brisk spread trading accounted for
much of the turnover.
The May/July switch ballooned to 17.25 cents, up from
14.85 cents at Wednesday's close.
The market headed higher at the outset, defying
pre-opening expectations, as speculators followed through on
Wednesday's strong close. Good option-related buying ahead of
May options expiry next week was also cited.
But a round of profit-taking and light origin selling kept
the market under pressure, traders said.
Some traders said this morning's upswing may have been
helped by the Association of Coffee Producing Countries (ACPC)
latest monthly report released late Wednesday, although other
traders said viewed it as neutral.
ACPC estimated that world coffee availability could fall
to 17.91 million bags in the third quarter of 1997 from 18.37
million in the same quarter a year ago.
The group also lowered its estimate for the Central
American 1996/97 coffee crop to 15.4 million 60-kg bags from
its previous forecast of 15.8 million.
However, ACPS said world coffee consumption estimate to 76
million bags at the most on an annualized basis from 76.5
million previously due to recent retail price rises.
On the week, the key May contract jumped 24.05 cents -- or
more than 14 percent -- as speculative interest picked up amid
ongoing supply concerns.
However, traders said the CFTC Commitment of Traders
report due Friday would probably not show a substantial
increase in speculative long positions because the data only
reflected operator's postions through this past Tuesday.
After Thursday's close, CSCE reported certified coffee
stocks rose by 1,730 60-kg bags, to 83,578 60-kg bags as of
March 26. There were an additional 250 bags pending grading,
the exchange said.
The CSCE will be closed Friday for Easter, reopening on
281005 MET mar 97
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