SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 26. ožujka 1997.
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 6 cts under "C" 180.85 N
Colombian MAMs 40 cts over "C" 226.85 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 193.85 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 184.85 N
Guatemala 10 cts over "C" 196.85 N
Peru 4 cts over "C" 190.85 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 7 cts over London 80.26 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 69.26 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 10 cts under "C" 176.85 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 26. ožujka 1997.
MAY7 186.50 180.00 189.00 180.00 186.35 186.85 1
JUL7 171.75 170.50 175.00 169.25 171.50 172.00 1
SEP7 161.00 163.10 165.30 160.50 161.00 161.60 1
DEC7 149.00 150.00 151.65 147.00 148.00 148.15 1
MAR8 139.00 141.00 141.00 137.00 139.00 139.00 1
MAY8 130.00 130.00 131.00 1
JUL8 127.00 128.00 129.00 1
CSCE coffee posts strong gains for the second day
NEW YORK, March 26 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures ended
sharply higher for the second day in a row on Wednesday, as
speculators continued to buy heavily amid lingering supply
concerns, traders said.
Although consumer coffee stocks in the U.S. have increased
in recent weeks, traders said inventories remained extremely
low and the tight situation was likely to spill over into the
second half of the year.
"Stocks have only moved up marginally and producers are
virtually soldout," said Merrill Lynch analyst Judith Ganes.
"People believe this market is happening again."
May futures jumped 7.55 cents per lb on the day, to close
at a two-week high of 186.85 cents, after ranging from 189.00
to 180.00. Second-position July rose 3.35 cents, to 172.65,
widening the nearby switch to 14.85 cents.
Traders said the market's two-day rally was exaggerated by
a shortage of sellers, with many Latin American producers on
the sidelines ahead of the long Easter weekend.
After Wednesday's close, the Association of Coffee
Producing Countries (ACPC) said in its latest monthly report
that the supply prospects for arabica coffee in the third
quarter of 1997 continued to look tight and vulnerable to
The group lowered its estimate for the Central American
1996/97 coffee crop to 15.4 million 60-kg bags from its
previous forecast of 15.8 million.
ACPC estimated that world coffee availability could fall
to 17.91 million bags in the third quarter of 1997 from 18.37
million in the same quarter a year ago.
"There is going to be incredibly tight supplies," said
Allendale analyst Jim Cordier. "The fundamentals show
conditions are just as tight as when the market reached the
highs three weeks ago. And I expect them to hit those highs
Low inventory levels combined with expectations for a
1997/98 lower crop in top-grower Brazil and delays in
shipments out of seconding-leading producer Colombia due to
strikes, drove New York arabica futures earlier this month to
two-and-a-half year highs.
However, higher futures prices translated to higher prices
on the supermarket shelf, prompting fears coffee-drinkers
would cut down on consumption.
In their monthly report, the ACPC lowered the world coffee
consumption estimate to 76 million bags at the most on an
annualized basis from 76.5 million previously due to recent
retail price rises.
"If consumption does go down, it should lessen supply
worries," said Refco analyst Ann Prendergast. "I'm not sure I
see the justification for these prices."
Technically, Prendergast said today's higher close after
sharply lower pre-opening expectations would probably
encourage more buying on Thursday. But she warned the market
could be vunerable to a late-session sell-off as operators
take profits ahead of the long Easter week-end.
CSCE reported after Wednesday's close certified coffee
stocks declined for the first time in two weeks, falling 281
60-kg bags, to 81,848 60-kg bags as of March 25. There were an
additional 250 bags pending grading, the exchange said.
The day's volume reached an estimated 12,532 lots,
compared with Tuesday's official tally of 13,922 lots.
270959 MET mar 97
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Kći francuskog silovatelja Dominiquea Pelicota vjeruje da ju je otac zlostavljao
Američki i ukrajinski dužnosnici sastat će se sljedeći tjedan u Rijadu
Alisson: Vjerojatno nikada nisam branio kao protiv PSG-a
Putin o Macronu: Neki zaboravljaju što se dogodilo Napoleonu
Najava - gospodarstvo - za petak, 7. ožujka
Gospodarstvo - ukratko do 17,30 sati
Autoindustrija možda neće dočekati pomoć EK - šef francuskog proizvođača baterija
U nogometnu mirovinu otišao Alvaro Negredo
ZSE: Crobexi ponovno u minusu