Velika Britanija - SJEME 06. ožujka 1997.
SOJINO ZRNO cif bilo kojeg porijekla u sterlinzima po toni
velj/ožu tra/svi svi lip/srp
221,00 219,00 213,00 214,00
REPINO SJEME isporučeno u Veliku Britaniju u sterlinzima po toni
ožu tra svi lip
180,00 181,00 182,00 183,00
Velika Britanija - BILJNA ULJA
sve cijene su u sterlinzima po toni
STU/SIJ - - - -
sojino ulje sirovovo-istovareno u Liverpoolu
ulje od repinog sjemena - istovareno Hull/Liverpool
ulje od lanenog sjemena - bilo kojeg porijekla istovareno Hull, u
metalnim bačvama
ulje od cargill lanenog sjemena - ex-mill Hull bez ambalaže
European vegetable oil end lower despite US rally
LONDON, March 6 (Reuter) - European vegetable oil prices
continued to decline on Thursday despite a fund driven rally on
the Chicago market.
"Soybeans are leading the way but soy oil is struggling to
follow," said a trader.
Traders said the rally in Chicago should not stop the fall
in palm oil prices...."but we've got the Ivan Wong report and
it's Friday. The market can do odd things at the end of the
week," said one.
Earlier they said the bubble may have finally burst for palm
oil with prices dropping by as much as $10 a tonne.
"We have had rumours and all sorts in recent weeks as
speculators have tried their best to hold the market up, but in
the end fundamentals appear to have won," said one trader.
The market started to look vulnerable when reports of a
quicker-than-expected pick up in palm oil output after the long
holiday in Malaysia started to circulate in the market against a
background of slow exports.
In his last report Malaysian private forecaster Ivan Wong
projected a fall of 21 percent in Malaysian output during
February, but now traders are looking for a figure below 20
Wong's next report is likely to be released on Friday.
Crude palm oil cif Europe closed $10 down while products
were as much as $7.50 lower.
Coconut oil closed with sellers $7.50 to $12.50 down after
Mar/Apr traded at $750 and $747.50, Apr/May at $545 and $540 and
May/Jun at $535 a tonne cif in mainly dealer trading.
Palmkernel oil finished $5 to $7.50 lower after Apr/May
traded at $735 a tonne cif.
Soft oils closed with soy oil 1.25 guilders down and rape
oil 0.25 to 1.25 guilders lower after Mar rape oil traded at
102.50, May/Jul at 104, Aug/Oct at 104.50 and 105 and Nov/Jan at
105.75 guilders a 100 kilos fob ex-mill.
Traders said all the business took place before the Chicago
market opened.
Informacije: Zoran Popijač telefon: 01/273-927 fax: 01/4550-148
070958 MET mar 97
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