Velika Britanija - SJEME 14. siječnja 1997.
SOJINO ZRNO cif bilo kojeg porijekla u sterlinzima po toni
sij velj/svi svi lip/srp
200,00 201,00 197,00 198,00
REPINO SJEME isporučeno u Veliku Britaniju u sterlinzima po toni
sij/ožu tra/lip
183,00 186,00
Velika Britanija - BILJNA ULJA
sve cijene su u sterlinzima po toni
STU/SIJ - - - -
sojino ulje sirovovo-istovareno u Liverpoolu
ulje od repinog sjemena - istovareno Hull/Liverpool
ulje od lanenog sjemena - bilo kojeg porijekla istovareno Hull, u
metalnim bačvama
ulje od cargill lanenog sjemena - ex-mill Hull bez ambalaže
European vegetable oils close below day's highs
LONDON, Jan 14 (Reuter) - European vegetable oil sellers
were backing off towards the close on Tuesday following a lower
opening in Chicago.
Traders said the market was mostly quiet with many players
sidelined by the volatile U.S. markets and ahead of the PORLA
data due for release on Wednesday morning.
The Malaysian Palm Oil Registration and Licensing Authority
(PORLA) data for December is due out at 0430 GMT on Wednesday.
However, traders were expecting no surprises and said the
key to the market at present was the weather in South America.
Concerns of heat in major South American soybean growing
regions has been one of the factors supporting Chicago in recent
days. But traders in Europe felt there had some over-reaction
and were not keen to follow the U.S. market closely.
Some fairly active trading developed during the afternoon in
soft oils with soy oil tarding at 96.50 guilders for Feb and 99
guilders for Aug/Oct.
Rape oil attracted the most business with Jan trading at 98
guilders, Feb/Mar at 98.50, 98.75 and back to 98.50 guilders
while Feb on its own fetched 98 guilders.
Aug/Oct rape oil traded at 99.50 guilders a 100 kilos fob
Traders said most of the buysiness took place prior to the
Chicago opening and February rape oil was the most active
position with over 1,000 tonnes traded.
Soy oil sellers at the close were 0.50 guilders up to
unchanged while rape oil was one to 1.25 guilders down.
Rape oil's premium over soy oil, based on sellers' prices,
at the close was 1.50 guilders to 0.75 guilders, against two to
2.50 guilders on Monday.
Crude palm oil closed $7.50 down to unchanged while products
were $2.50 to $5 lower.
Coconut oil finished unchanged to $10 down after Feb/Mar
traded at $765 a tonne cif.
Palmkernel oil closed $7.50 lower and tradeless.
Informacije: Zoran Popijač telefon: 01/273-927 fax: 01/4550-148
150945 MET jan 97
EL: Uvjerljiv Bodo/Glimt, rimski sastavi do prednosti u sudačkoj nadoknadi
KL: Remi Rapida u Banja Luci, Beljo strijelac
Konferencijska liga: Rezultati (2)
EL: Rezultati (2)
Trump razmatra ukidanje zaštite za Ukrajince pobjegle od rata
Liga prvaka: Sporting izravno u četvrtfinalu
Euroliga: Poraz Reala u Ateni, 18 poena Hezonje
Konferencija „One inspiriraju“: Kada žene napreduju, cijelo društvo napreduje
Snažna potpora svih članica EU-a osim Mađarske pravednom i trajnom miru u Ukrajini
Europska raketa lansirala špijunski satelit u svojoj prvoj potpuno operativnoj misiji