SAD - KAVA Trgovačke spot cijene 13. siječnja 1997.
Differentials ZADNJA
Santos 4's 4 cts under "C" 114.45 N
Colombian MAMs 23 cts over "C" 141.45 N
El Salvador 6 cts over "C" 124.45 N
Mexican 5 cts under "C" 113.45 N
Guatemala 6 cts over "C" 124.45 N
Peru 6 cts over "C" 124.45 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 6 cts over London 65.60 N
Indonesia EK1 4 cts under London 55.60 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 8 cts under "C" 110.45 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 13. siječnja 1997.
MAR7 118.90 118.75 119.30 117.00 118.20 118.45 1
MAY7 116.70 116.50 117.10 115.25 116.25 116.40 1
JUL7 114.25 115.00 115.25 114.00 114.25 114.30 1
SEP7 112.20 113.00 113.20 112.05 112.25 112.50 1
DEC7 109.15 109.75 109.75 108.75 109.15 109.15 1
MAR8 105.05 105.50 105.05 105.05 105.50 105.65 1
MAY8 105.00 105.00 105.00 105.00 103.75 104.00 1
CSCE coffee ends lower in technically driven trade
NEW YORK, Jan 13 (Reuter) - CSCE coffee futures ended
moderately lower in chart-driven dealings Monday, as
speculative long liquidation dragged prices through key
support levels, traders said.
March delivery fell 1.15 cents per lb on the day, to close
at 118.45 cents, after ranging from 119.30 to 117.00.
Second-position May ended 1.00 cent lower, at 116.40 cents,
while the outer months finished down 0.80 to 1.20 cents.
The March contract managed to breach support at
117.75-117.50 cents, touching off light sell-stops, traders
said. But persistent scale-down buying by the trade trimmed
losses and prevented a test of subsequent support.
On the charts, traders pegged March's next support at
116.50, followed by 115.25-115.00. Resistance was seen at
120.50-121.50, then 124.00.
Traders await the the weekly U.S. certified coffee stock
figures due after today's close. Last week, the CSCE reported
stocks fell by 1,607 60-kg bags in the week ended Jan. 3, to
32,458 bags.
They also await the Green Coffee Association of New York's
monthly stock report for December slated for release after
Wednesday's close.
Next week, traders will be looking toward Brazil, where
the Association of Coffee Producing Countries (ACPC) will meet
Jan. 23.
The ACPC council is expected to address the issue of
whether there is a need to cut exports by member countries in
the January to June period which, under the current ACPC plan,
should not exceed 26.28 million 60-kg bags.
Volume was moderate, at an estimated 8,360 lots.
141032 MET jan 97
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