SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 23. siječnja 1998.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 12 cts over "C" 190.80 N
Colombian MAMs 16 cts over "C" 194.80 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 185.80 N
Mexican 2 cts over "C" 180.80 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 185.80 N
Peru 6 cts over "C" 184.80 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 90.29 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts over London 82.29 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 160.80 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 23. siječnja 1998.
MAR8 178.50 177.00 179.00 176.00 178.50 178.80 1
MAY8 170.25 168.50 170.75 168.25 170.00 170.20 1
JUL8 162.00 160.00 162.00 160.00 162.00 162.00 1
SEP8 153.00 152.50 153.00 151.50 153.40 153.50 1
DEC8 145.00 145.00 145.00 144.00 145.95 146.00 1
MAR9 140.00 139.00 140.00 140.00 140.70 140.80 1
MAY9 135.00 137.00 138.00 1
CSCE coffee ends higher on late local buying
NEW YORK, Jan 23 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures ended the
week on a high note as an afternoon round of local and light
commission house buying lifted prices toward session peaks,
traders said.
Dealers said the session was lackluster, however, with
prices moving sideways between technical parameters and volume
"It was a quiet day," said one trader. "The locals were long
and they tried to shove it up."
Benchmark March arabicas ended up 1.95 cents at 178.80 cents
a lb after ranging between 179.00 and 176.00 cents. Second-month
May closed 2.20 cents higher at 170.20 cents while the rest rose
1.95 to 2.50 cents.
The March/May switch narrowed to 8.60 cents, compared with
8.85 cents at the close on Thursday.
Arabica futures defied 1.50-cent lower pre-opening
expectations and headed higher from the outset, boosted by a
bout of speculative buying, traders said.
But scale-up producer selling stemmed gains and prevented
the March contract from testing chart resistance near 180 cents,
they said.
March dipped into negative territory and spent much of the
session hugging unchanged until the modest rally ahead of the
While there were a lack a fresh fundamentals in the market
today, traders said sentiment remained friendly amid a positive
technical and fundamental outlook in the near-term.
Fears a Colombian trucker drivers' strike set for this
weekend could disrupt coffee shipments continued to provide
underlying support, they said.
Traders said concerns about tight near-term availability
have underpinned market sentiment throughout the week. Since
last Friday, spot March arabicas have risen 11.75 cents, or
about seven percent.
Traders await the release of Brazilian government's first
official estimates for the 1998/99 and 1997/98 coffee crops
slated for release on Monday.
Preliminary estimates for the 1998/99 Brazil crop have
ranged from 30 million to over 40 million bags, compared with
around 24 million bags in 1997/98.
Most U.S. traders expect the Brazilian government's forecast
to be toward the lower end of the range.
"People are waiting for the Brazil numbers on Monday," said
a trader. "Their estimate will be around 31.5 million bags.
They're producers, why would they give a high number? But it's
still significantly higher than last year's crop."
Technically, traders said the March contract continued to
face resistance at this week's high of 180.50 cents. Nearby
support was seen near 175-174 cents, followed by the 173.50
After Friday's close, CSCE reported U.S. certified coffee
stocks rose by 1,750 60-kg bags to 104,429 bags as of Jan 22.
There were an additional 2,750 bags pending grading, the
exchange said.
261140 MET jan 98
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