U.S. pamuk prodaja na tržištu - 15. siječnja 1998.
Ukupna prodaja na 7 tržišta
u SAD-u 22,146 ( 31,416 prijašnji dan)
Prosiječna cijena 1-1/16 inch cotton
62,48 centi (62,41 prijašnji dan)
NEW YORK - pamuk zatvaranje - 15. siječnja 1998.
MAR8 65.95 65.70 66.30 65.70 65.95 65.97
MAY8 67.40 67.15 67.65 67.15 67.35 67.37
JUL8 68.75 68.51 68.95 68.51 68.70 68.71
OCT8 70.65 70.50 70.80 70.65 70.65 70.65
DEC8 71.85 71.75 72.00 71.75 71.75 71.78
MAR9 72.95 72.87 72.95 72.87 72.75 72.80
MAY9 73.25 73.25 73.30
JUL9 73.95 74.00 74.00 73.95 73.95 73.98
OCT9 73.40 73.65 73.70
DEC9 72.91 72.85 73.00 72.85 72.91 72.91
NYCE cotton ends mixed, nearbys eke out gains
NEW YORK, Jan 15 (Reuters) - NYCE cotton futures ended
tightly mixed on Thursday, with nearby contracts managing to
hold on to modest gains despite steady scale-up selling by the
trade, market sources said.
Speculative short-covering kept cotton prices in positive
territory for much of the session, driving the most-active March
contract to an intra-day high of 66.30 cents per lb.
By the close, March futures stood at 65.97, up 0.09 cent and
toward the session low of 65.70 cents. Second-month May rose
0.10 cent to 67.37 cents, while the remaining months were up
0.15 to down 0.07 cent.
Cotton prices defied pre-opening expectations and briefly
eased at the outset. Some traders said "decent" weekly USDA
export numbers helped to underpin sentiment.
"The exports were fairly good," said Frank Schneider & Co
analyst Sharon Johnson. "They really didn't help the market
much, but they sure didn't hurt."
USDA reported before the opening bell that new sales in the
week ended January 8 came in at 103,700 running bales.
USDA said net Upland sales of 89,000 running bales (RB)
improved from the previous week's marketing-year low, but were
45 percent less than the 4-week average.
Exports of 168,200 RB were up 39 percent from the prior week
and 16 percent from the 4-week average. Asian destinations
accounted for 53 percent of the week's shipments; Western
Hemisphere, 29 percent; and West European, 18 percent.
Technically, traders continued to peg March resistance at
chart gap between 66.40 and 66.70 cents, while support was seen
towards its life-of-contract low of 65.20 cents.
Volume reached an estimated 7,000 lots, up from Wednesday's
official tally of 6,220 lots.
161154 MET jan 98
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