SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 13. siječnja 1998.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 2 cts over "C" 166.45 N
Colombian MAMs 14 cts over "C" 178.45 N
El Salvador 6 cts over "C" 170.45 N
Mexican even to "C" 164.45 N
Guatemala 6 cts over "C" 170.45 N
Peru 4 cts over "C" 168.45 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 88.65 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts over London 80.65 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 146.45 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 13. siječnja 1998.
MAR8 164.25 160.50 167.00 158.75 164.25 164.45 1
MAY8 159.75 156.00 162.00 155.00 159.75 159.75 1
JUL8 154.50 151.50 155.00 150.00 154.00 154.40 1
SEP8 149.50 145.00 149.50 144.50 148.80 148.90 1
DEC8 141.50 140.00 142.50 140.50 144.10 144.15 1
MAR9 138.00 136.00 138.00 138.00 140.50 140.65 1
MAY9 135.00 138.50 138.75 1
CSCE coffee ends higher in chart-driven trade
NEW YORK, Jan 13 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures ended
broadly higher on Tuesday, boosted by technically inspired
commission house buying and light roaster interest, traders
"It's the same old story, it's a rollercoaster ride," said
Merrill Lynch analyst Judith Ganes. "There was no specific
news." Arabica prices spent most of the session in positive
territory, but a break above key resistance at 163 cents per lb
in the March contract touched off commission house buy-stops and
propelled prices up sharply by the close.
Benchmark March ran up to an intra-day peak of 167 cents,
but settled at 164.45 cents, up 4.75 cents. March reached a low
of 158.75 cents.
"We hit stops above 163 and stopped at the next resistance
level at 167," said one trader. "It was chart perfection today."
Second-month CSCE May coffee ended 4.25 cents higher, at 159.75
cents, while the rest of the board settled up 3.65 to 4.40
Some traders said expectations of a slight drawdown in U.S.
consumer coffee stocks during December may have contributed to
today's upswing.
Forecasts for the monthly Green Coffee Association of New
York data have ranged from down 150,000 to up 50,000 60-kg bags
in December, with most estimates looking for stocks to be
unchanged to down 100,000 bags from 1,515,000 bags in November.
In December 1996, by comparison, U.S. stockpiles rose 63,000
bags to 1,327,000 bags.
GCA will release its December coffee stock report on
Thursday, January 15, at 1500 EST.
Technically, traders said March arabicas would continue to
face resistance at 167 cents. On the downside, initial support
was seen near 163 cents, followed by 159-158 cents.
Total CSCE coffee volume was moderate, at an estimated 6,872
141044 MET jan 98
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