SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 12. siječnja 1998.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 2 cts over "C" 161.70 N
Colombian MAMs 14 cts over "C" 173.70 N
El Salvador 6 cts over "C" 165.70 N
Mexican even to "C" 159.70 N
Guatemala 6 cts over "C" 165.70 N
Peru 4 cts over "C" 163.70 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 88.02 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts over London 80.02 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 141.70 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 12. siječnja 1998.
MAR8 159.50 161.75 163.00 156.00 159.50 159.70 1
MAY8 155.25 157.00 157.55 151.00 155.25 155.50 1
JUL8 150.75 151.50 151.50 147.50 150.75 150.75 1
SEP8 144.50 145.50 144.50 143.25 144.50 144.50 1
DEC8 140.00 140.00 140.00 139.00 139.90 140.00 1
MAR9 136.75 137.00 136.75 136.75 136.25 136.50 1
MAY9 135.00 134.25 134.50 1
CSCE coffee ends downs, but off session lows
NEW YORK, Jan 12 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures ended
broadly lower Monday, pressured by a combination of speculative
and light origin selling, traders said.
But scale-down roaster buying helped prices finish off
intra-day lows, they added.
Benchmark March coffee ended down 2.30 cents at 159.70 cents
a lb after ranging between 163.00 and 156.00 cents. Second-month
May ended 2.05 cents lower at 155.50 cents, while the rest
settled down 1.75 to 2.75 cents.
Arabica futures headed higher at the outset, after the
London market managed to recoup early losses. But follow-through
selling to New York's poor finish on Friday amid fading tight
supply concerns and jitters about the impact of the financial
crisis in Asia sent prices quickly to the downside, traders
"The market headed lower because supply concerns are failing
to materialize," said one trader. "The production is flowing --
it may be at a slower pace than people like -- but it's
"Asia is going to weigh down on prices, especially Indonesia
because they are going to want to sell and get cash as soon as
possible," he added. "The tone for commodities in general is not
favorable because of Asia."
Technically, March arabicas slipped through chart support at
158 cents, but the next downside target of 154 cents was
untested. Today's high of 163 cents was seen as resistance.
After the close, CSCE reported US certified coffee stocks
rose by 2,500 bags to 99,582 bags as of January 9. There were an
additional 6,999 bags pending grading, the exchange said.
Also after the close, the Brazilian Federation of Coffee
Exporters (Febec) said Brazil is expected to export 1.00 million
60-kg bags of green coffee in January.
At the end of last week Febec said Brazil exported 1.08
million bags of green coffee in December which brought total
exports for 1997 to 14.42 million bags, compared with the 12.77
million bags exported in 1996.
Total CSCE coffee volume was moderate, at an estimated 6,631
131106 MET jan 98
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