SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 08. siječnja 1998.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 2 cts under "C" 165.85 N
Colombian MAMs 16 cts over "C" 183.85 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 174.85 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 165.85 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 174.85 N
Peru 4 cts over "C" 171.85 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 89.83 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts over London 81.83 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 149.85 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 08. siječnja 1998.
MAR8 167.50 163.00 168.00 162.20 167.50 167.85 1
MAY8 163.25 160.50 164.00 158.50 163.25 163.75 1
JUL8 158.00 156.50 158.00 153.00 157.00 157.90 1
SEP8 152.50 150.00 152.50 148.25 152.50 152.00 1
DEC8 146.00 145.00 146.00 144.50 147.25 147.50 1
MAR9 141.50 143.00 143.00 141.50 144.25 144.50 1
MAY9 138.00 142.00 142.50 1
CSCE coffee higher ends higher on good volume
NEW YORK, Jan 8 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures ended higher
Thursday, on moderate volume, as the recovery from Tuesday's
slump continued, helped by concerns about dry weather affecting
central American coffee crops, traders said.
"Colombia has been affected by dry weather for a while and
the small farmers there have been under pressure, while the El
Nino weather problems and Indonesia's currency crisis have been
affecting the robusta market also," Refco analyst Anne
Prendergast said.
"The weather factors have been giving good support this week
on the premise that the market will stay tight and roaster will
have to buy it sooner or later."
CSCE March coffee ended up 5.75 cents at 167.85 cents a
pound, after trading a 162.20-168.00 cent range. Total CSCE
coffee volume was a high 8,731 lots.
The March/May spread edged back up to 4.25 cents.
Support was still seen around 158 cents, the level of
Tuesday's lows and not far from last week's lows, with
resistance around Monday's high at 171.00 cents.
But March coffee's five-day moving average remained trapped
between the contract's 20-day and 55-day moving averages,
suggesting the uptrend had not resumed in earnest, analysts
US certified coffee stocks fell 1,119 bags to 95,332 bags as
of January 7, in data published after the market closed, after
being unchanged as of January 6.
In industry news, Nicaraguan coffee producers declared a
"coffee emergency" because of plants heavy with prematurely ripe
beans and a lack of workers to harvest them.
Extreme weather ranging from drought to downpours has
complicated the 1997-98 coffee harvest and led the Union of
Coffee Producers (Unicafe) to declare the emergency.
Unicafe has projected overall Nicaragua coffee production at
1,338,151 quintals (46-kg/100-lb bags) for the current cycle.
That could drop as much as 20 percent due to extreme weather and
the current labor crisis, Bolanos said.
The 1996-1997 harvest that ended on Sept. 30 produced
1,099,718 quintals, falling short of the 1,215,867 projected,
largely due to weather damage.
In other news, The International Coffee Organization (ICO)
said on Thursday producing members' exports reached 78.68
million 60-kg bags in the 12 months to November 1997, up from
76.82 million in the same 1996 period.
In November alone, exports rose to 5.85 million bags from
5.11 million in October but down from 6.9 million a year
In the first two months of the current 1997/98 (Oct/Sept)
coffee year to November, total exports were down at 11.15
million bags from 13.477 million in 1996/97.
091211 MET jan 98
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