Velika Britanija - SJEME 07. siječnja 1998.
SOJINO ZRNO cif bilo kojeg porijekla u sterlinzima po toni
sij velj ožu/1svi 2svi/lis kol/lis
184,00 186,00 187,00 184,00 189,00
SJEME isporučeno u Veliku Britaniju u sterlinzima po toni
pro sij velj tra/lip kol
175,00 176,50 178,00 181,00 161,00
Velika Britanija - BILJNA ULJA
sve cijene su u sterlinzima po toni
STU/SIJ - - - -
sojino ulje sirovo-istovareno u Liverpoolu
ulje od repinog sjemena - istovareno Hull/Liverpool
ulje od lanenog sjemena - bilo kojeg porijekla istovareno Hull, u
metalnim bačvama
ulje od cargill lanenog sjemena - ex-mill Hull bez ambalaže
Coconut oil soars in Europe on export ban talk
LONDON, Jan 7 (Reuters) - Coconut oil prices soared by as
much as $20 a tonne during Wednesday afternoon on the European
vegetable oil market on rumours of a total export ban on lauric
oils and palm products by Indonesia.
"It seems that some people have been trying to get crude
palm oil and olein out of Indonesia by declaring it as lauric
oil or stearin and they have been caught," said one trader.
Traders said there was talk that a meeting took place on
Wednesday between Indonesian government officials and the trade
and an announcement is expect on Thursday.
"It appears that four ships were ordered to pump back oil
they were loading after the ban came into effect at midnight on
January one. The documents said it was palm stearin they were
pumping, but when it was checked it turned out to be crude palm
oil," said another trader.
"There has been far more palm stearin shipped in recent days
than could possible be produced and the coconut oil numbers look
very high, so it is hardly surprising that the Indonesian
government appears to be taking some action," said one trader.
"Nothing has be confirmed it is all coming through as
Chinese whispers," said another.
As the rumours spread, coconut oil prices started to rise
with closing levels $15 to $20 up after Feb/Mar traded at $575
and $585, Mar/Apr at $585, $590, $597.50 and $600 and Apr/May at
$605, $607.50 and $612.50 a tonne cif.
Palmkernel oil traded at $585 for Feb/Mar while Jan/Feb also
traded at $580 in a switch with Feb/Mar at $588.
Palm stearin closed around $2.50 up after Feb traded at $510
and Feb/Mar at $525, $5 up from Tuesday's traded levels.
However, many traders said the rise in prices was a
knee-jerk reaction and people would soon find other sources of
"The Philippines is the main supplier of coconut oil and
Malaysian can supply palm stearin so we don't see much of a
problem," said a trader.
On the remainder of the market crude palm oil $5 down while
RBD palm oil and olein were $5 to $17.50 lower.
Among soft oils soy oil was 1.25 guilders lower after Jan
traded at 127 guilders, Feb/Apr at 125 and May/Jul 118 guilders.
Rape oil closed one to 1.50 guilders lower in a tradeless
Informacije: Zoran Popijač telefon: 01/273-927 fax: 01/4550-148
081143 MET jan 98
London ostaje "usredotočen" na postizanje mira u Ukrajini
Poslušao "stručnjaka za kriptovalute" pa prevaren za sto tisuća eura
SKV: Svijet u 12,30 sati
SKV: Sport u 12.30 sati
Mlinarić: Ne pada nam na pamet srušiti vlastitu vladu
Ukrajina odlučna nastaviti suradnju s Washingtonom - premijer
Stranka Bandić Milan 365 u stečaju s imovinom od 5960 eura
Ukrajinci ogorčeni, smatraju da obustava američke pomoći ide na ruku Rusiji
Dimne bombe, tučnjava i kaos u srpskom parlamentu
Zavod za hitnu medicinu Međimurske županije bogatiji je za tri nova vozila