SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 06. siječnja 1998.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 2 cts under "C" 159.40 N
Colombian MAMs 16 cts over "C" 177.40 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 168.40 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 159.40 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 168.40 N
Peru 4 cts over "C" 165.40 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 87.02 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts over London 79.02 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 143.40 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 06. siječnja 1998.
MAR8 161.50 170.00 171.50 158.00 161.25 161.40 1
MAY8 156.50 164.50 165.50 155.00 156.50 156.50 1
JUL8 150.50 159.00 159.00 149.75 151.00 151.15 1
SEP8 145.00 152.50 153.00 145.00 145.50 145.65 1
DEC8 140.75 149.00 149.10 140.50 141.00 141.15 1
MAR9 144.75 138.00 138.15 1
MAY9 142.00 136.00 136.15 1
CSCE coffee ends sharply lower
NEW YORK, Jan 6 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures ended
sharply lower Tuesday, giving back Monday's gains, on good
"I don't like the coffee market," said James Cordier, an
analyst with brokers Allendale in Florida.
"Coffee is trading at three times what it was some years
ago, and with the world economy seen slowing as a result of the
Asian currency crisis, many commodity firms are going to sell as
much stock as they can in the next few weeks.
"Would you rather be sitting on commodity inventories which
are losing value or trade them in for U.S. dollars which are
continuing to appreciate," he asked.
CSCE March coffee ended down 9.30 cents at 161.40 cents,
after slumping to a 158.00 cent low intraday, testing last
week's lows.
Total CSCE coffee volume was an above-average 10,407 lots.
But the March's contract's daily momentum oscillators remain
mostly neutral, suggesting the market is still trying to find
some direction in the new year, despite the choppy price action
this week, traders said.
Twenty-day average historical volatility rose further though
to 66 pct, but the contract's five-day moving average remains
trapped between the contract's 21-day and 55-day moving
averages, suggesting a lack of clear direction.
US certified coffee stocks remained unchanged at 97,988
60-kg bags in the latest data for December 31, published late
But supplies in the next three months could become more
restricted, partly because of the small Brazilian 1997/98 crop,
traders said.
Brazilian differentials have been firming as a result and as
cash market differentials firm up, so too could the market,
German analyst F.O. Licht said in a daily commentary.
But longer term the 1998/99 Brazilian crop is expected to be
larger than this year's crop, limiting further gains.
SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 05. siječnja 1998.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 2 cts under "C" 168.70 N
Colombian MAMs 16 cts over "C" 186.70 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 177.70 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 168.70 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 177.70 N
Peru 4 cts over "C" 174.70 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 87.93 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts over London 79.93 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 152.70 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 05. siječnja 1998.
MAR8 171.00 161.90 171.00 161.90 170.25 170.70 1
MAY8 165.00 157.50 165.00 157.50 164.50 164.95 1
JUL8 159.00 151.50 159.00 151.50 159.00 159.00 1
SEP8 151.00 145.50 151.00 147.50 152.75 153.00 1
DEC8 145.00 142.20 145.00 142.25 148.25 148.50 1
MAR9 139.00 145.00 145.50 1
MAY9 139.00 143.00 143.50 1
CSCE coffee ends sharply higher on better volume
NEW YORK, Jan 5 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures ended
sharply higher Monday on moderate volumes, after support at last
week's low held early, prompting a turnaround which took the
market up through last week's highs in the nearby active
"It was mostly a technical breakout," Merrill Lynch analyst
Judith Ganes said.
"We're not talking about a rally like last year's but the
supply lines may be stretched again during the transition
between the 1996/97 harvest and the incoming 1997/98 harvest,"
she said.
CSCE March coffee ended up 8.25 cents at 169.25 cents a
pound, after breaking above last week's highs at 167.50 cents
and rallying to a session high at 171.00, the highest level
since December 16.
But the contract's five-day moving average remained below
its 21-day moving average, suggesting the downtrend since
mid-December may not have reversed completely yet.
Estimated total CSCE coffee volume was around 7,000 lots, up
from 4,254 lots on the last trading day of 1997.
The March/May spread edged out to 6.00 cents a pound from
4.70 cents last Wednesday. The CSCE was closed Thursday and
Friday last week for the New Year holiday.
CSCE coffee stocks fell 1,748 bags to 97,988 bags in the
latest data for December 30.
"Presently consumer stocks are higher than a year ago, but
they may have to be reduced to cover needs," Ganes said.
In industry news, Indonesian coffee prices edged higher on
Monday as the industry headed into a period of lean supply due a
delay in the 1998 harvest, traders said.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture last month estimated
Indonesia's 1997/98 production at 7.1 million 60-kg bags, up
from the June forecast of 6.8 million but 10 percent less than
the revised estimate for 1996/97.
Indonesia is the world's third largest coffee producer after
Brazil and Colombia.
Coffee prices had a roller-coaster ride in 1997, more than
doubling from around 120 cents a pound at the start of the year
to a high at 318.00 cents in early June, before concerns about a
large Brazilian crop in the 1997-98 year saw the rally give back
about 60 percent of its gains.
071158 MET jan 98
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