SAD - KAVA trgovačke spot cijene 30. prosinca 1997.
Differentials /spot/ ZADNJA
Santos 4's 2 cts under "C" 162.80 N
Colombian MAMs 16 cts over "C" 180.80 N
El Salvador 7 cts over "C" 171.80 N
Mexican 2 cts under "C" 162.80 N
Guatemala 7 cts over "C" 171.80 N
Peru 4 cts over "C" 168.80 N
Uganda Pmy Robs 10 cts over London 87.11 N
Indonesia EK1 2 cts over London 79.11 N
Ecuador Ext Sup 18 cts under "C" 146.80 N
NEW YORK - KAVA cijene pri zatvaranju burze 31. prosinca 1997.
MAR8 163.00 166.25 167.50 159.50 162.25 162.45 1
MAY8 157.75 161.00 161.50 155.50 157.75 157.75 1
JUL8 151.25 154.90 155.50 150.00 151.75 152.00 1
SEP8 145.00 148.25 148.60 145.00 146.00 146.25 1
DEC8 143.00 140.50 143.00 143.00 141.50 141.75 1
MAR9 140.00 139.00 139.25 1
MAY9 139.00 137.50 138.00 1
CSCE coffee gives back week's gains, ends lower
NEW YORK, Dec 31 (Reuters) - CSCE coffee futures ended lower
Wednesday, giving back most of the week's gains, but volumes
were very light ahead of the New Year holiday which will close
the exchange Thursday and Friday this week.
"There was some fund and commission house year-end position
squaring and liquidation but no news behind the down move," one
CSCE floor trader said.
CSCE March coffee ended down 2.35 cents at 162.45 cents a
pound, after trading edging up to a nine-day high at 167.50
cents and then retreating. Estimated total CSCE volume was only
about 4,000 lots though.
The March/May spread ended little changed around 5.00 cents
a pound.
In the latest data on inventories, published Tuesday night,
CSCE coffee stocks slipped 254 bags to 99,736 60-kg bags, but
remain much higher than they were in November.
Coffee prices have had a roller-coaster ride in 1997, more
than doubling from around 120 cents a pound at the start of the
year to a high at 318.00 cents in early June, before concerns
about a large Brazilian crop in the 1997-98 year saw the rally
give back about 60 percent of its gains.
But "a revival in the bull market is occurring," Merrill
Lynch analyst Judith Ganes said in a report on the 1998 outlook.
"Global supplies, which are already low, need to be
stretched further during the transition between the 1996-97 and
the incoming 1997-98 harvest," she said.
"Presently consumer stocks are higher than they were a year
ago, but they might have to be reduced to cover needs.
"Whereas six months ago it was believed the Brazilian crop
might come in at the higher end of the range of expectations, it
now seems the 1997-98 crop was at the middle-to-lower end of the
range," Ganes added.
"Although it is too early to make accurate assessments of
crop losses, we believe world output is probably going to fall
short of world consumption by at least three million bags."
021143 MET jan 98
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