Excluding energy prices, manufacturing prices in July were down 0.1% on the month and up 0.8% on the year.
Industrial products' manufacturing prices on the domestic market in July were up 0.1% on the month and 6.9% on the year, while the prices of domestic industrial products sold abroad were down 0.2% on the month and up 1.6% on the year.
Month-on-month, only energy manufacturing prices went up in July 2012, by 0.2%. The prices of capital goods declined 0.3%, those of lasting consumer goods by 0.2%, those of intermediary products by 0.1% and those of non-lasting consumer products by 0.1%.
Year-on-year, energy manufacturing prices in July 2012 went up 18.3% and those of non-lasting consumer products by 3.1%, while the prices of capital goods dipped 0.9%, those of lasting consumer goods by 0.7% and those of intermediary products by 0.9%.