ZAGREB, Dec 30 (Hina) - In an last night's interview on Croatian TV
the Croatian Army Chief-of-Staff General Janko Bobetko looked back
at the past year and stated that the Croatian Army has proved by
its activities, especially that one at Maslenica, that they are not
exclusively organized to preserve the lines the occupying forces
arrived to."
(The Croatian Army carried out the action of liberating the
Maslenica straits in January 1993. Namely, Serbian rebels had cut
off Croatia into two parts when they occupied Maslenica straits.)
"After the initial downplaying of the force of the Croatian Army,
a number of accusations were brought saying that Croatia is the
disturbing factor and that UNPROFOR would have solved the issue in
a peaceful way," Gen.Bobetko said and added: "However, as can be
seen UNPROFOR has not realized their plan as yet." Gen. Bobetko
also stated that was a warning and that the Croatian Army should be
taken into account adding: "And I think they do!"
Asked if and in which case the Croatian Army will intervene openly
in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Gen.Bobetko said that the Croatian Army has
no territorial nor imperial requirements.
301257 MET dec 93
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