MOSTAR, Dec 30 (Hina) - The greater part of the Mostar crisis area
was quiet, with the occasional Muslim small arms provocations along
the city line and the southern battlefield. Muslim regrouping and
fortification was spotted, according to this morning's report by
the Herzeg-Bosnian Ministry of Defense.
As for the Lasva battlefield, Muslim small arms, machinegun and
mortar provocations went on all night. Muslim forces were also
reported to be regrouping and bringing reinforcement to the
villages of Poculica, Vrhovina, and Kruscica. One woman was killed
in the Vitez area.
At Novi Travnik area Muslim forces opened mortar fire at Novi
Travnik, Nevic Polje and Relej, while the Kiseljak area came under
heavy sniper and mortar fire. Defenders effectively repelled those
attacks, and all defense positions were firm and under HVO's
control, according to the above source.
The Zepce area was under intensive Muslim fire and the above
source also reported Muslim regrouping and increased reconnaissance
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