VITEZ, Dec 29 (Hina) - The branch office of the human rights center
in Nova Bila said about 60 Croats from Krizancevo, the village near
Vitez, were missing after Moslem forces invaded the village on 22
December. No humanitarian association has examined the
circumstances of the crime committed over Croat population in the
Lasva Valley.
Representative of the European Monitors Nick Turballa, based in
Zenica, said that their ambassador Martin Garrod visited today the
command of the Moslem Army Third Corps in Zenica in order to get a
permission to enter the Krizancevo area. Mr. Garrod will request
commander of the Third Corps Mehmed Alagic an explanation about
constant violations of the ceasefire and he will draw his attention
to the position of Croats in occupied areas, because Moslems killed
three Croats in the villages of Talnik and Cajidraz (near Zenica)
on Christmas Eve, said Mr. Turballa.
According to Hina's correspondent, the Croatian Defence Council
(HVO) in Vitez said that they received information from "circles
close to the Moslem side" that missing Croats from Krizancevo ended
up in two mass graves.
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