ZAGREB, Dec 28 (Hina) - On the occasion of Christmas and New Year's
holidays the Alliance of Croatian Disabled Veterans had a formal
reception yesterday, which was also attended by Croatian President
Expressing his best wishes for the season President Tudjman spoke
about the courage of the Croatian soldiers who rose in the defense
of Croatia and gave their contribution to forming an independent
and free state.
"We wanted to solve that in a peaceful way, but when we did not
manage to do that and when war was imposed on us we mobilized the
Croats in Croatia and abroad, formed an armed force and opposed the
Yu-Army of those times," President Tudjman said adding that the
international community grants Croatia sovereignty on all its
"We shall undertake all measures to reach that aim in the peaceful
way and avoiding victims," President Tudjman concluded.
282121 MET dec 93
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