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VITEZ, SPLIT, Dec 28 (Hina) - Two British UNPROFOR tank crews and
an ECMM team attempted to enter the village of Krizancevo near
Vitez (central Bosnia), where HVO claims the Muslims committed a
massacre, according to Hina's reporter from Vitez.
A ECMM team representative Nik Turnballa and an UNPROFOR liaison
officer Capt. Gell stated that their attempt to enter from the
direction of Vitez and the village of Dubravica was fruitless, as
they were met by small arms and heavy machinegun shots from the
Muslim positions.
HVO in Vitez explained that behavior of the Muslim formations as
attempting to prevent the investigation into the disappearance of
50 persons from that village.
Speaking in Divulje near Split, the British UNPROFOR Command
spokesperson Fred Perry confirmed that the British troops did not
enter Krizancevo Selo because the Muslims did not allow them.
281836 MET dec 93
Tenis: pregled rezultata (3)
Liga kup: Liverpool preko Tottenhama do finala
Kralj Karlo III. posjetit će Italiju i sastati se s papom Franjom
Euroliga: Četvrta uzastopna pobjeda Bayerna, Branković vrlo dobar
Serie A: Fiorentina svladala Inter 3-0 u nastavljenom susretu
Čelnik UN-a za klimu: Zemlje ostaju predane klimatskim planovima
Hrvanje, Zagreb Open: Slavlje za Kylea Fredericka Snydera
Hrvatske košarkašice uvjerljivo slavile u Nizozemskoj
Senator: Isključen sigurnosni sustav u vojnom helikopteru prije sudara sa zrakoplovom
Policija potvrdila uhićenje bivšeg županjskog gradonačelnika