KARLOVAC, Dec 28 (Hina) - Prefect of the Karlovac County Josip
Jakovcic held a meeting today with representatives of the Ministry
of Culture and Education, Ministry of Civil Engineering,
Institution for protection of cultural monuments, town's
authorities and others. The talks focused on protection and
reconstruction of the blown up building of the Serbian Orthodox
Church's parish in Karlovac.
It was decided that works on dismantlement of a part of the
dangerous construction will start immediately in order that
pyrotechnists could enter the building. The work will be done by
special teams of the Ministry of Interior and civilian protection.
Archpriest in Rijeka Milan Mrkalj will be informed about all the
activities in connection with the reconstruction of the building.
281410 MET dec 93
Tenis: pregled rezultata (3)
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Hrvanje, Zagreb Open: Slavlje za Kylea Fredericka Snydera
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Senator: Isključen sigurnosni sustav u vojnom helikopteru prije sudara sa zrakoplovom
Policija potvrdila uhićenje bivšeg županjskog gradonačelnika