VITEZ, Dec 28 (Hina) - UNPROFOR British Battalion is to visit today
the village of Krizancevo Selo near Vitez in order to examine what
happened there.
A Moslem commando team entered Krizancevo Selo, populated by
Croats, and committed massacre over Croats six days ago.
Afterwards, the Moslem commando team took away about 50 civilians
and left in an unknown direction.
The ICRC found out that of 53 missing persons, 3 persons were
detained in a military prison of Moslem Army in Zenica, while the
fate of remaining 50 persons is still unknown.
Witnesses to the crime said that "the Moslem Army committed a
massacre over Croats in the village".
Representatives of the local Croatian Defence Council (HVO) said
that they have a video tape where hanging and even crucifying of
civilians in the village is recorded.
281135 MET dec 93
SP, dvoranski hokej: Poraz Hrvatske od svjetskog prvaka Austrije
Tenis: pregled rezultata (3)
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