ZAGREB, Dec 24 (Hina) - The UNPROFOR HQ in Zagreb issued a press
release today in connection with a visit of UNPROFOR Force
Commander General Jean Cot to Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Following is the full text of the press release:
"Following his visit to Belgrade, the UNPROFOR Force Commander,
General Jean Cot, visited the Nordic Battalion in Tuzla on 22
December where he inspected the airport.
He then flew to Srebrenica where he spent 24 hours, from 23 to 24
December. He noted the excellent cooperation in Srebrenica between
the Canadian troops stationed there and the different humanitarian
agencies and local authorities.
General Cot visited the Canadian Battalion in Visoko on 24
December and visited a bridge to the east of Visoko where a serious
incident, provoked by a Serb military element, had taken place on
22 December.
The Force Commander is spending the evening of 24 December at the
French-Belgian Engineer Battalion in Kakanj. He will be going to
Sarajevo on Christmas Day where he will meet with Lieutenant-
General Briquemont, Commander of Bosnia-Herzegovina Command."
241959 MET dec 93
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