-> HINA 13.11.1993 03:05:00 mmarija ED
ZAGREB, Nov 13 (Hina) - Croatian Defence Minister Gojko Susak spoke about
his one-week visit to the U.S.A. in last night's broadcast of the Croatian
Minister Susak said that he had informed the American top-officials in
detail of the peace initiative proposed by Croatian President Tudjman. The
U.S. senior officials evaluated that the initiative "is the first entire
package of solutions to problems on the area of the former Yugoslavia",
according to Mr. Susak.
Croatian Defence Minister added that the massage of the official U.S.
policy to Croatia was not to allow to be drawn again into a war. "If
Croatia choose the military option and it again may provoke a war on the
greater scale with Serbia and the Serbs from Bosnia-Herzegovina, in that
case Britain, France and Russia will request imposing sanction against
Croatia. The U.S. officials said that we could not have political ground to
require that sanctions be lifted. However, if we accept to continue seeking
solutions in a peaceful way, they will put pressure and use, if necessary,
the veto in the issue of lifting sanctions against Serbia until the issue
of Croatia should be resolved," said Minister Susak.
"Although it is partly true what certain media say that Croatia enjoys bad
image in the West due to the conflict between Croats and Moslems in B-H,
the official standpoint of the U.S.A. is that we can consider them to be in
favour to us," stressed Minister Susak adding that they were aware of what
Croatia had done for the refugees from B-H and that Croatia was not taking
the anti-Moslem course. The Croatian Defence Minister said that his
American hosts appealed to Croatia to do its utmost to stop the conflict
between Croats and Moslems. Mr. Susak informed in that context that a group
of American congressmen would pay visit to Croatia and B-H.
Commenting on his talks in the Pentagon Minister Susak said that he had
received "very satisfactory responses" to the proposal on the cooperation
in the education of the Croatian Army and on the proposal that the NATO
ships could be mended in the Croatia ship-repairing yards.
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