MOSTAR, Nov 12 (HINA/Hina) - HVO counter-attacked and moved the defense
lines in yesterday's battles at the Kiseljak-Fojnica front, according to
the report by the Main HVO HQ on the situation at the B-H battlefields in
the recent 24 hours carried by HABENA.
In the Vares region the local HVO brigade repelled the Muslims' attacks
from the direction of Svjetlica, Ljubisici, and Bijeli Kramovi, while the
battlefield remained unchanged.
The night and the morning were quiet in the Busovaca municipality, while
Muslims were reported to have launched several shells at the town and
attacked the area of Prosje and Polje yesterday.
At the Tomislavgrad area Muslim provocations were reported to be
increasing and preparing for new attacks.
Muslim forces are continuing provocations in the Mostar area, especially
along the town and south fronts, the above source stated.
121343 MET nov 93
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