NEW YORK, Dec 8 (Hina) - Yugoslavia's decision to close the
Serbian-Bosnian border was not being adhered to, the US said today.
Considerable amounts of banned goods, including fuel and
military equipment, were being shipped to Bosnian Serbs, US
ambassador to the UN Madeleine Albright said.
She was speaking at informal Security Council consultations
about an ICFY (International Conference on Former Yugoslavia)
report confirming that the Yugoslav border was closed.
The US welcomes these positive developments, Albright said,
but we have information that the (sanctions) regime is being
seriously violated.
"The Serbian-Bosnian border could not be closed, if fuel was
being shipped from Yugoslavia to Croatia's occupied areas".
Helicopters were flying between Serbia and Bosnia and there
were indications that the Yugoslav army and military industry were
dispatching shipments to Bosnian Serbs, she said.
This practice constituted a breach of UN Security Council
Resolution 820, Para 12, which stipulates that all goods shipped
across the UN Protected Areas had to be cleared by either the
Croatian or the Bosnian Government, except for basic humanitarian
(hina) jn as
081344 MET dec 94
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