SARAJEVO, Dec 6 (Hina) - UN observers reported today that clashes
between Serb forces and the Bosnian Army's Fifth Corps had raged on
Monday in the Bihac and Velika Kladusa areas. The bitterest clashes
were registered south and southwest of the Velika Kladusa town.
Despite the very strong Serb artillery-supported infantry
attacks, along with assaults launched by forces loyal to the Muslim
separatists, Velika Kladusa is still under control of the Bosnian
The defence lines on the Bihac front hasn't been changed.
The Bihac hospital had been exposed to fire from anti-aircraft
machine-guns. The attack left no casualties, according to the UN
military observers.
They warned once again that the humanitarian situation in west
Bosnia was very grave.
A convoy that had arrived two days ago in the headquarters of
the Bangladeshi peace keepers near Bihac, brought some supplies and
equipment but far from enough.
(hina) mar rv
061652 MET dec 94
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