SIBENIK, May 15 (Hina) - A mini-regatta called "The Fleet of
Peace" left Murter for Kornati (Croatian islands in the Adriatic
Sea) this morning. Participants in the regatta are 17 children-
refugees from Bosnia-Herzegovina. During the cruise in the
Adriatic Sea they will visit some Dalmatian islands (southern
Croatia). The final destination of the regatta is the island of
Cres where the children will arrive on 21 May. The regatta has
been organized by an Austrian humanitarian agency, "Helping
Hands" and at the initiative of Mr. Christian Winkler.
The purpose of the regatta is to help children from B-H who
have been left homeless due to the Serb aggression against this
country. At the same time the regatta is an opportunity for
advertising tourism at the peaceful Croatian Adriatic coast and
islands to Austrian guests.
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